Home » today » Health » Isoman Patients Don’t Need to Take Steroids, Paracetamol Is Enough : Okezone Lifestyle

Isoman Patients Don’t Need to Take Steroids, Paracetamol Is Enough : Okezone Lifestyle

PATIENT Self-isolation (isoman) is only reserved for asymptomatic patients and mild symptoms. However, this does not mean that the patient does not consult a doctor and take medication.

However, it is not only patients with mild symptoms who can self-isolate. There are some patients with moderate symptoms who choose or are forced to self-isolate because the hospitals are full.

Health Influencer and Covid-19 Volunteer Doctor, dr. Muhamad Fajri Adda’i said that before undergoing self-isolation, a patient with moderate symptoms should have been examined by a doctor. Because if the patient is asymptomatic to mild symptoms, the prescription is only paracetamol, fever medicine, cough medicine, but the case is different with patients with moderate symptoms.

“If someone has moderate symptoms, it means that there is pneumonia, namely white spots on the lungs when x-rayed. This is the doctor who determines whether antibiotics, antivirals, other drugs need to be given or even need to be treated because they have comorbidities,” said Dr. Fajri in a session. interview with Inews.

He continued, if someone has entered moderate symptoms, they should immediately consult a doctor. Because from a medical point of view, doctors do not advise patients to prescribe their own drugs. It is also important, do not prescribe steroid drugs alone without consulting or advice from a doctor.

“A person is prohibited and should avoid taking steroids in the early stages. If it is critical, the recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO) is that it is permissible to take steroids, but if it is below critical symptoms, it is not allowed,” he said.

“Because later it will worsen the situation because it damages the immune system or the body’s immune system to attack the virus (suppressing the immune system) which in the end will make the condition more severe,” he concluded.


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