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“Islamo-leftism”: Minister Frédérique Vidal in turmoil

Very discreet and labeled « techno », the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Frederique Vidal, drew the wrath of the political and academic world this week after his outings on “Islamo-leftism” and finds herself a little more fragile in the midst of a student crisis.

The concept of “Islamo-leftism” is used by its detractors to disqualify left-wing activists who, according to them, to over-support the Palestinian cause, or more broadly anti-imperialist movements in the Muslim world, have come to espouse the theses of radical Islamists.

So far, the minister judged “Media-tight” by her entourage had remained discreet despite the discomfort of the students entangled in the Covid crisis, many of whom accuse her of not having grasped the extent of their distress and of having reacted too late. In this context, his statement last Sunday on CNews on “Islamo-leftism” which, according to her, “Gangrene on society as a whole and the university is not impermeable”, sparked a sling. Especially since Frédérique Vidal hit the nail on the head on Tuesday by announcing to the Assembly that she had asked the CNRS “A review of all the research” which take place in France, in order to distinguish between what is academic research and what is activism. A ” scientific studies “ rather than an investigation, one hastened to specify to the ministry.

What use?

Why this announcement? “I did not understand the usefulness of making this outing (on Islamo-leftism). She’s been heavily criticized these days. She better take care of the college difficulties with the Covid ”, suggests a deputy.

The remarks sparked an uproar in the ranks of academics and several voices within the majority called on it to review its priorities. The minister has not spoken since.

Overwhelmed on social networks, Ms. Vidal was then cropped by the Head of State, via government spokesman Gabriel Attal: “The priority for the government is obviously the situation of students in the health crisis, it is obviously the possibility of providing financial support to students in difficulty, it is obviously to allow students who wish to be able to gradually return face-to-face to university “, he recalled.

Emmanuel Macron also repeated his “Absolute attachment to the independence of teacher-researchers”, according to Gabriel Attal.

Read also: “Islamo-leftism” is “not the first problem of the university”, according to François Bayrou

The CNRS recalled that the term “Islamo-leftism” does not correspond “To no scientific reality”. As for the university presidents, they expressed their “Stupor”.

“If the government needs analyzes, contradictions, scientific discourse supported to help it get out of caricatured representations and quibbles of commercial coffee, the universities are at its disposal”, quipped the Conference of University Presidents (CPU).

Calls for resignation

Frederique Vidal “Has nevertheless managed in this complete scandal to alienate the CPU, one of its only supporters in recent months”, notes Samuel Hayat, political science researcher who rebelled against the research programming law, the minister’s flagship text. “Either it is a personal whim, or it is remotely controlled by the government, but in both cases, she has to resign”, he believes.

In an interview with Release, French economist Thomas Piketty has also called for his resignation. “With her statements, Frédérique Vidal demonstrated her total lack of culture and her profound ignorance of research in the social sciences. […] With the extreme right at the gates of power in several regions and at the national level, it is totally irresponsible ”, he said.

The minister nevertheless received some support on this ultra-sensitive path, already borrowed in October by the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, and dug for several months by the right, including the deputy LR Julien Aubert, who demanded a parliamentary mission on the issue.

Others like the deputy Aurore Bergé, deputy president of the LREM group in the Assembly, the vice-president of the Republicans Gilles Platret or the president (Libres!) Of the Île-de-France region Valérie Pécresse came to support the remarks. of the Minister.

Read also: The National Gathering approves the remarks of Frédérique Vidal on “Islamo-leftism”

“She clearly got her feet caught in the carpet”

The controversy revives in any case the criticisms around Frédérique Vidal, recognized academic, specialist in molecular genetics, but accused of lacking weight and political sense.

“She’s clearly got her foot in the carpet but no one in academia has an interest in her leaving now. The university and research fought to have a ministry, so a departure could make us retreat to the Secretary of State and be even less visible ”, fears an academic wishing to remain anonymous.

Conversely, for a researcher who also wishes to remain anonymous, “A replacement for Frédérique Vidal could only be seen as a savior, a victory and it will not be difficult to find someone who sticks to it, even for a short time”.

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