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Islamo-leftism is an “indubitable social fact”: Jean-Michel Blanquer supports Vidal

Under fire from critics since announcing the launch of an investigation into Islamo-leftism in the university, Frédérique Vidal can count on the support of the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer.

Among colleagues, we have to stick together. A fortiori, between Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education. Saturday February 20, Jean-Michel Blanquer therefore flew to the aid of Frédérique Vidal. The latter has been particularly criticized since it announced its intention to entrust the CNRS with an investigation into Islamo-leftism in academia. Until recently, a petition signed by more than 600 academics called for the resignation of the minister, in addition to criticizing the scientific reality of Islamo-leftism. A notion whose relevance Jean-Michel Blanquer therefore reaffirmed, on the set of BFM TV. “I see it as an unmistakable social fact”, he explained, adding that some “Always try to minimize this political project”. “It is a phenomenon that must be faced”, asserts the Minister of Education.

Bleach on the offensive

And Jean-Michel Blanquer was not content to defend his colleague from the government, details The Parisian. The minister did not hesitate to go on the offensive, targeting for example the Sud Education 93 union and its meetings “Single-sex”, or the interruption of a performance of Aeschylus at the Sorbonne in 2019 by anti-racist activists. Above all, Jean-Michel Blanquer directly attacked Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whom he considers to be an excellent illustration of the “Complicity” between the Islamists and “Some extreme left circles”. “When you have Jean-Luc Mélenchon who participates in a demonstration of the CCIF, Collective against Islamophobia in France, where there were radical Islamists, Mr. Mélenchon falls into Islamo-leftism without a doubt”. Statements that should not help calm the discontent of the far left, particularly up against Frédérique Vidal and his defender of the day.

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