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Ishadi SK: Broadcaster of the Four Ages – An Inspiring Career from TVRI to Trans TV


When going to the Ministry of Finance to be interviewed Sri Mulyani, Wednesday, April 25 2019, noon, we from the Outspoken Team ran into Mr. Ishadi SK at the lift door on the 9th floor, Trans TV Building. Pak Is, as we usually greet him, held back and expressed interest in participating. But a moment later he canceled because apparently already had other agendas.

“What are the main issues that you will discuss,” asked Pak Is.

When we explained about the ‘economic growth target’, he immediately snapped. Because detikcom public media, he said, should not go too deep into discussing such issues. The humanist side of Sri Mulyani will be much more interesting for audiences to watch.

“For technical economics, so be it CNBC just. You Check out who the hair and dress stylist is. Still have time to cook or not. If it’s vacation what are you doing.” We nodded in reverence. Everything that was recommended was indeed included list prepared by producer Erwin Dariyanto. Regarding the issue of economic growth, it is only an entry point so that the staff in charge of Sri Mulyani’s agenda is willing to provide an interview schedule.

We then entitled the results of the interview with Sri Mulyani ‘Between the Two Presidents’. On YouTube, this interview has been viewed more than 2 million times. Until yesterday, the figure had increased to 3.4 million times.

It was not the first time Pak Is paid attention to us. Apart from advice and criticism, former President Director TVRI it also often facilitates us to be able to interview the characters. For example, the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL), Minister of Health Terawan Putranto, Chairperson of the DPR Puan Maharani, former Head of BIN Sutiyoso and AM Hendropriyono, and Head of the COVID 19 Handling Task Force Doni Monardo.

Regarding SYL, I still catch Pak Is’ naughty soul as a journalist. On October 24 2019, SYL was present at the Trans TV Building for a recorded interview with CNN. However, on the pretext that he already had another agenda, he refused to be interviewed by the Blunt Team. I immediately poked Mr. Ishadi. “Just a moment, take a look around my workspace,” he persuaded SYL.

Maybe because he was shy, SYL also obeyed. Arriving on the 9th floor, he did not move. In Pak Is’s room, all equipment, such as cameras, lights, and others, is ready’on‘. Anyway, SYL just sat back and answered our questions. When SYL whispered that after the interview he could meet with the founder of CT Corp, Chairul Tanjung, convinced Pak Is agreed.

Ishadi SK (Kanavino/detikcom)

In fact, after the interview at around 9:00 p.m., Mr. CT was no longer at the Bank Mega building. At a glance I saw SYL’s sour expression, who probably felt that Pak Is was tricking him. When I alluded to this as soon as SYL and the group returned home, Pak Is snapped naughty.

“Ah, biarin just. The important thing is that we have interviewed him,” he said laughing.

It was these mischiefs that made Pak Is’ relationship with the Minister of Information Harmoko less harmonious. While leading TVRI, he confessed several timesoffside’ broadcast news that should only appear in private media. Pak Is also admitted that he once played a prank on Harmoko and made him late for his flight from Yogyakarta to Jakarta.

In the world of television, the figure of Ishadi SK towers high. The range of association is wide. Active, warm, and flexible communicate. But, in the daily life that we see while at the office, Pak Is is so humble. His humility is seen, among other things, in his attitude towards the guests. He used to greet her in the lobby, and walk her back to the vehicle.

To the young ones, Ishadi always care and say, while showing an open mind and heart. At a no longer young age, Pak Is still teaches discipline. In every joint meeting detikcomCNN, and CNBC, he is always present on time. In fact, as the Main Commissioner of Transmedia, there is absolutely no obligation to attend editorial meetings.

Not just giving inside-inside related to the issue of coverage, Pak Is also often treats: food, coffee, even watch crowded cinema. When a colleague tells about the film Bohemian Rhapsody what he had just watched, Pak Is, who had not watched it, immediately cut in, “Ah, don’t spoiler please. Let us watch just together.”

His full name is Ishadi Soetopo Kartosapoetro, which is usually shortened to SK. After graduating from FISIP UI, the man who was born in Majene, April 30, 1943, started his career at TVRI as a reporter in 1967. In 1972-1974, he attended education on Television Broadcasting and Work Practice programs at WDR-TV Köln, West Germany. Title master of science from Ohio University, United States of America, won in 1980-1982.

In 1987, Ishadi assumed the position of Director TVRI until 1992. Prior to that, Ishadi led the station TVRI Yogyakarta in 1985-1987. It was since in Yogyakarta that his work began to receive attention from journalists and television observers. Tabloid Editor in Chief Monitor the late Arswendo Atmowiloto and several other journalists often praised Ishadi.

He said, Pak Is is a figure who dared to break the rigidity of the television world in Indonesia. Lifting image TVRI through art, cultural and film programs, as well as being the mainstay program for the television station. It also fades the impression attached to TVRI: “just a government news channel”.

However, because Pak Is was considered to be often ‘naughty’, Harmoko then shifted Ishadi to become the Head of the Ministry of Appeals and Development Research and Development Agency, 1992-1996. Entering his fourth year, Ishadi volunteered to be seconded to TPI. But Harmoko instead asked him to apply for early retirement. On Mbak Tutut’s television, Ishadi served as Director of Operations until 1998.

By the Minister of Defense Alwi Dahlan, in the last era of the Soeharto government, Ishadi was recalled to the Ministry of Defense and given the most appropriate position for him: Director General of Radio, Television and Film (RTF). Rumors within the Ministry of Internal Affairs also emerged to question Ishadi’s appointment, who incidentally had become a private person since his TPI.

When BJ Habibie replaced Suharto, Alwi’s position was replaced by Lt. Gen. Yunus Yosfiah. Yunus and Ishadi’s relationship seems less harmonious. The two differed on a number of policies. On October 7, 1998, Ishadi was knocked out. He was replaced by the former CEO TVRI A Aziz Husein.

“I’m tired of being a bureaucrat,” Ishadi said a few minutes after handing over the position to Aziz. “I am sad, devastated and disappointed,” he added as written Tempo at that time.

Ishadi did not regret himself for long. He immediately contacted entrepreneur Chairul Tanjung (CT). Long story short, in early 2001, the two founded Trans TV. Initially, his acquaintance with CT was facilitated by his nephew, Sasda. His nephew was a friend of CT when he studied at SMA 1 Boedoet, Jakarta.

Initially, when CT asked for a meeting, Pak Is repeatedly refused. He admitted that he looked down on him because at that time CT was just a shoe entrepreneur. Until one day, when he was confused after being removed from his position, Ishadi entered the restaurant at the Borobudur Hotel to cheer himself up.

When he was presented with a menu list, he realized that his wallet was not enough to pay for a meal there. Not losing his mind, he immediately called Sasda and informed him that he was ready to meet CT right then and there.

“Even though the main goal is just to let CT do it fee eat me,” said Mr. Ishadi laughing. Now he admits that he is strong because he has been a CT employee for more than 20 years.

Last Sunday, April 30, Mr. Ishadi turned 80 years old. Since a few months ago, he prepared a biography written by a former journalist Compass, Jimmy S Harianto. I got a leak, the title chosen and agreed upon is Ishadi SK: Broadcaster of the Four Ages.

The plan is for the book to be launched after Pak Is and his family perform the Umrah pilgrimage on May 1-9. Happy birthday, Pak Is, may you always be blessed with health and ease your Umrah journey. Also continue to inspire us with Pak Is’s mischief. Amen….

*Reporter detikcom


2023-05-01 02:29:16
#Ishadi #Naughty #Years

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