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Isdin brings together 12,000 dermatologists from around the world in its International Keratosis Program

Isdin, leading laboratory in dermatology and photoprotection in Spain, organizes throughout this year the International Program in ActinicKeratosis Management, the first international course on the treatment of actinic keratosis (QA).

Specifically, the course has 10 world experts, led by Dr. Susana Puig, Head of Dermatology at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, which will offer sessions to professionals from all over the world to delve into the latest advances on this skin pathology.

The course consists of six chapters in which the management of actinic keratosis will be approached from different points of view and from the hand of great professionals. The first session, which took place at the end of March, was an introduction to update knowledge about QA and establish the content that the rest of the sessions will offer.

Actinic keratosis appears as a scaly patch on the skin that can appear after years of sun exposure.

The experts that the International Program in ActinicKeratosisorganized by ISDIN they are the doctor Susana puig (Head of the Department of Dermatology at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, ​​a world leader in the diagnosis and treatment of melanoma and skin cancer, and an expert in genetics and immunology applied to dermatology), the doctor Mark Berneburg (Director of the Department of Dermatology at Regensburg University), Dr. Giulio Gualdi(dermatologist from SpedaliCivili Brescia and UniversitàD’annunzio Chieti, specialist in actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma and photoprotection), the doctor Rodrigo Roldan (Head of the Oncodermatology Clinic of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and researcher in the Melanoma Unit of the Dermatology Service of the Hospital Clínic), Dr. Gaston Galimberti (President of the Interdisciplinary Committee on Skin Cancer of the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires), Dr. Sebastian Andreani (Professor of Dermatology at the University of Chile and the University of Development, and an expert in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with melanoma and skin cancer), Dr. Martin Falla (Oncologist surgeon specialized in breast, skin and sarcoma cancer, member of the Ibero-Latin American College of Dermatology (CILAD) and of the Peruvian Society of Surgical Oncology), Dr. Elkin peñaranda (Head of Dermatology at Hospital La Samaritana de Colombia), the doctor Márcia dos Santos Ferreira (dermatologist at the Instituto Português de Oncologia in Porto) and the doctor Selma Schuartz Cernea (dermatologist at the São Paulo Municipal Public Hospital).


Actinic keratosis presents as one scaly spot on the skin that can appear after years of sun exposure and can lead to skin cancer.

“It is an increasingly common problem in dermatological and primary care consultations,” says Dr. Susana Puig, adding that this is due to multiple factors, such as increased life expectancy and the aging of the population, which They are linked to photoaging of the skin and this to actinic keratosis “, explains Dr. Puig, who regrets that” there are more and more cases among young people and not only in Europe, but in many countries with accumulated chronic exposure to the sun as are all those who are near the equator. “

For the specialist in dermatology, “without proper photoprotection it is impossible to tackle the prevention of skin cancer, especially squamous cell carcinoma and actinic keratosis.” A prevention that, on a professional level, involves documenting the patient’s process, thanks to a good medical history that will allow for a comprehensive treatment of the damage accumulated over the years.

“It is estimated that 10% of people who have suffered more than seven actinic keratoses will develop squamous cell carcinoma in the future,” explains Dr. Puig. “Therefore, it is essential to identify the patient and treat him early to try to prevent this type of skin cancer,” concludes the expert.

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