Home » today » Health » Isabel Zendal Hospital closes a pavilion for vaccination to care for patients with coronavirus

Isabel Zendal Hospital closes a pavilion for vaccination to care for patients with coronavirus

The Isabel Zendal Nurse Hospital He had to close a pavilion which was intended to administer vaccines against COVID-19. Now this pavilion will attend to patients with coronavirus due to the increase in cases in this fifth wave.

The Zendal currently has a pavilion for vaccination and two focused on patient care, with 295 admitted according to the latest data from the Ministry of Health.

Before him increase in hospital admissions In recent weeks and the healthcare pressure in public hospitals, now, in Hospital Isabel Zendal, pavilions 1 and 2 are dedicated to patient care, leaving only 3 for vaccination, which is carried out uninterruptedly 24 hours a day.

Administered dose

In recent days there has been a reduction in vaccination against the coronavirus. Reduction caused because during this month of July, Spain is receiving fewer roads.

In general terms, 47.8% of the population of the Madrid population already has the complete guideline. Taking into account only the target population, the percentage of immunized represents 57.7%, while 76.5% have at least one dose.

From the Ministry that directs Enrique Ruiz Escudero placeholder image The drop in the vaccination rate due to the lack of vials has been repeatedly denounced, mainly from Pfizer. A situation that, according to the Madrid government, also affects the administration of second doses, which in some cases is being delayed.

In the ‘CuentaVacunas’ of Antena 3 Noticias you can check when it will be your turn to vaccinate against COVID-19.

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