Home » today » Technology » Isabel Díaz Ayuso blocks Teodoro García Egea and five other colleagues on WhatsApp

Isabel Díaz Ayuso blocks Teodoro García Egea and five other colleagues on WhatsApp

The Madrilenian People’s Party He is not going through his best moment, and it is that in the environment there is a lot of tension. Isabel Diaz Ayuso She is not happy with her team, and for that reason she has taken measures such as blocking WhatsApp Teodoro García Egea, the secretary general of your party. But, as internal sources have reported to ‘the sixth’, It also has five other members of the Madrid Management and Executive Committee blocked.

Without a doubt, a rupture within a political party that has already had various threats of lawsuits from those related to Ayuso, as has been published ‘The world’. Some demands that could reach Genova street if the Madrid Congress is not brought forward.

Nevertheless, the president of the Community of Madrid has not been slow to deny these alleged demands, stating that it is “sure that in the end the law will be fulfilled and the deadlines will be met”, referring to the fact that Congress will be held during the first semester, and not before March 2022, as it claims.

A meeting between Ayuso and Casado could ease tensions

This Friday the regional Board of Directors met, with Ayuso and the leadership of the national Popular Party. A meeting of which these internal sources have assured ‘laSexta’ that a meeting “between bosses”, referring to Isabel Díaz Ayuso and Pablo Casado, pI would like to calm down, and it is that “if they leave this to the surroundings, it will be contaminated”.

On the other hand, Pablo Montesinos, the deputy secretary of Communication, has indicated that the party must unite at this moment: “Everyone must pitch in so that Casado reaches La Moncloa. As we continue like this, neither party nor government“.

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