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Isabel Ayuso, Esperanza Aguirre’s dog, Balcarce and Macri’s vaccine

Responsibility for what happens to us is assigned to the politicians who concentrate the greatest amount of power and alternatively they lead us without paying attention to the conditions of possibility that created those politicians and allow what they can do. That someone with Macri’s limitations of empathy has been elected president and that someone with the background of Cristina Kirchner has been re-elected in a presidential formula says more about us as a society than about themselves.

If the return of Kirchnerism in 2019 was the result of the failure of Macri and the triumph of Macri in 2015 was the result of the failure of Kirchnerism, it is doubly evident that our electoral preferences are reactive, because they seek to punish who governs as the main purpose.

Trapped in the emotions of the past, we lower our thresholds of disbelief like someone who goes to the theater and in the service of the show deactivates critical thinking in order to enjoy the show.

A degree of dramatization of politics in normal installments is essential for the formulation of indispensable narratives that give meaning to any course. But in extreme doses it generates a level of fictionalization of reality where actors and scriptwriters (politicians and their communication teams) lose the minimum quota of commitment with what they say, as well as any self-critical capacity with what they do.

That someone with Macri’s limitations of empathy has been elected president and that someone with the background of Cristina Kirchner has been re-elected in a presidential formula says more about us as a society than about themselves.

The vaccine that Macri applied in a Miami pharmacy is an increased example of this banality but it can be illustrative as a didactic example to help make audiences more self-aware.

At the beginning of Macri’s presidency, his communication team boasted that he was getting more clicks on social networks with the photos of the baptized dog Balcarce than by granting reports to journalists to expose their ideas and convince more citizens of them.

It was not an original invention, but the successful copy owned by Pecas, the dog of the then president of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre. The dog Pecas had such a successful Twitter account that his texts are attributed to the recently elected president of Madrid, “el Ciclón” – due to her overwhelming triumph – Isabel Ayuso (originally a journalist), both from the center-right Popular Party who inspired the PRO. But the dog Balcarce was only a “model” of Macri’s dog while Esperanza Aguirre’s was his dog.

In this example of Balcarce, the character of Macri is painted (“there is the style”), a banality that was once again exhibited, brought to a paroxysm with his vaccination in Miami.

During the morning of Thursday of the previous week I write in the chat of Perfil.com: “We have to find out if Macri was vaccinated in Miami or in the province of Buenos Aires, where he is domiciled.” Fifteen minutes later they answer me: “This is what his spokesperson says, he was not vaccinated anywhere. It is not going to do it until all the people at risk and essential workers are vaccinated ”. Minutes later Perfil.com published the note: Macri “solidarity”: will not be vaccinated until all the people at risk and essential workers have done so .

I asked him because he was preparing the questionnaire for the report to the Buenos Aires Minister of Health, Daniel Gollan, which I did the next day, Friday, and was published in the newspaper PROFILE that Sunday. As Macri’s address is in the province of Buenos Aires (Vicente López, where the mayor is his cousin, Jorge Macri) and vaccines is one of the topics on the electoral agenda this year, he needed to ask the minister the question about the vaccination of the former president.

On Sunday it was made public that shortly after his spokesman and former Undersecretary of Media and Public Communication, Gustavo Gómez Repetto, said that he would not be vaccinated, he was getting vaccinated at a pharmacy. According to your version: “Almost by chance, while he went to buy something else, he saw the queue and they offered him all three: Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, and since he does not plan to return there soon, he gave the last one, which is a single dose.”

The poor spokesman has no responsibility, already on February 21, Macri himself wrote on his Twitter account: “Given the repeated inquiries about whether I have been vaccinated, I want to clarify that I did not give myself any vaccine against the coronavirus and I am not going to do it either. until the last of the Argentines at risk and the essential workers has received it ”.

Someone who after such a statement is vaccinated in Miami shows something more than a lack of commitment to his word, but his insubstantiality and lack of empathy. Problems that transcend Macri, the world is populated by trivial inhabitants who do not cause any harm to third parties, and become part of Argentine society frustrated by the election of certain leaders.

To evolve, society must find out and certain media preferred to ignore or minimize Macri’s lie in the news about his application of the vaccine while emphasizing the lies of the Government and Kirchnerism (many, more serious because they are more elaborate). While other media do the opposite in an equally self-destructive way.

In the selection of what data is chosen to communicate, a choice of the story to which it adheres is already being formulated (that is why data and story share their etymology) but the media, regardless of our preferential choices, we have a responsibility of minimal equanimity.

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