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Is your skin always red? Here are the causes and possible remedies

Find out what causes the skin to always be red and what to do to solve the problem.

Having red skin all the time is a problem that can affect anyone and is particularly annoying. It is, in fact, of a form of skin irritation which can have very different origins and causes.

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Here, then, are the most common ones and why it is particularly important to learn to recognize them and understand how to move in order to obtain results.

Always reddened skin: causes and remedies to recognize

Typically, a partial red skin problem can be caused by a sudden change in temperature, profuse sweating, using too hot water and, in some cases, even stress.

causes red skin
(Adobe stock photo)

One problem that in most cases disappears spontaneously and within a few hours, restoring the skin to its normal color. However, when the redness does not disappear and also gives other symptoms, it is very important to investigate the possible causes.

Among these, in fact, there can also be important pathologies such as allergies to certain products or food-related, psoriasis, hives, etc … To be sure why the skin turns red it is therefore essential ask your dermatologist for an opinion and take any exams requested by him.

Once the cause has been found, it will be possible to find a cure or a remedy capable of limiting the symptoms. What to do, however, in the absence of a specific pathology? If your skin continues to redden despite everything, it is important to make sure of make use of the right products and be well hydrated.

The first move to make is therefore to use moisturizers in the areas that redden, while increasing the consumption of water and the intake of foods that give hydration such as vegetables and fruit. At the same time, hand or body washing should be reduced (especially with hot water, which causes dehydration).

Eliminating harsh products like soaps can also help you find results. Instead, you can use delicate products such as aloe vera soap or those without parabens, silicones and the like. Obviously, similar remedies they are valid only for momentary and short-term redness.

As already mentioned, the most evident ones should always be analyzed together with the doctor, especially if accompanied by symptoms such as itching, burning, discomfort on the red part, spots, erythema, scabs, etc … If the symptoms occur together with the redness and then vanish, instead, the problem is likely to be some contact allergy such asallergy to nickel.

Also in this case it is important to contact your doctor in order to carry out the tests. These are necessary to identify the degree of allergy and understand how to behave in order not to get worse. Taking care of your skin is indeed a good way to take care of yourself. And, above all, to avoid problems that if not treated can make everyday life more difficult.

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