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Is this the new feeder of the traffic police in Plovdiv?

Another mess. Is this the new feeder of the traffic police in Plovdiv, asked a reader of Plovdiv24.bg. We give him the floor now:

“On the Blvd. “Kuklensko shose” in the area between the customs office and the intersection of the forklift truck, there are three types of speed limit signs for some unknown reason. From the customs office in the direction of the forklift truck, there is an unrepaired section on which the marking is missing due to wear.

The speed is 50 km/h. Next is a repaired section, which is also unmarked, but there are signs for a 30 km/h limit. Again on a repaired section, but in the westbound lane and again unmarked, there are 40km/h speed limit signs. Is this madness, or feeders, because there are no lack of cameras?”

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