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Is there noise in the communication or is Davy ‘his’ Hanne emotionally in ‘Blind Married’? | MARRIED BLIND 2021

TVThe future looks dire for the ‘Blind Married’ couples Veerle & Sven and Hanne & Davy. It has been clear for a few weeks that things will probably not work out among the ‘oldies’, and the look ahead to next week does not promise much improvement. Things go from bad to worse between Hanne & Davy. It gradually becomes clear that it is not so much the ‘difficult communication’ of stutterer Davy that is the cause of the misery, but that he simply does not feel like communicating with ‘his’ Hanne anymore. Is he emotionally cheating on her? Fortunately, Candice & Marijn continue to provide salt and pepper in this ‘Blind Marijn’.

She shouts her impotence from the rooftops – albeit in a polite and restrained way. But that teacher Hanne is frustrated by the attitude of her ‘new’ husband Davy is becoming clearer week after week. The long silences between the two newlyweds feel very uncomfortable. For a long time we thought that the problem was with Hanne, because she just tatered. Precisely to fill the silences Davy kept dropping. It gradually becomes clear that that is not the problem. It looks like Davy is just not willing to go all out in his relationship with Hanne. Is not willing to invest in this marriage. Is he disappointed in the match that the makers have sought for him? Does the teacher not meet his expectations? The two faces that the officer at the local police showed in this episode spoke volumes. Open, cheerful, humorous, cheerful during the visit of the sisters and a brother-in-law of Hanne; the lame, taciturn, somewhat hesitant salt bag as soon as he was back in a one-on-one relationship with Hanne. We have not noticed the slightest speck of emotion in Davy. And that while his ‘wife’ pulls out all the stops to let him participate. For the time being it does not run for a meter between those two.

Read more below the photo.

Even for eternal squabblers Veerle and Sven, ‘Blind Married’ seems more like a condemnation to living together for two months than the unique opportunity to develop into a pleasant and harmonious relationship. Veerle knows that her first impression was all-important and that it was actually already ready for her books that first day in the town hall. And yes, Sven is quite aware that he screwed up there quite a bit. But Veerle’s reluctance to make something out of it is nevertheless striking. We have the firm impression that Veerle does not really want or need a partner. Yes, her daughter pushed her to enter the ‘experiment’. And no, she is not happy with it. Quickly back to my house, my garden and my animals. Veerle is counting down to that day after day, it seems.

Blind Married; season 6, episode 7 on Sunday March 28, 2021 at VTM. In the photo: Veerle & Sven © VTM

Fortunately ‘our’ Candice remains the cheerful note in this ‘Blind Married’. She is already looking beyond the end of this VTM program. Yes, Binkom is a long drive from Beveren-Waas. About an hour, if the traffic at the Kennedy tunnel in Antwerp does not resist. But that cuddly Marijn, with his fine square farm, his lovely pets and his nice family, makes up for so much. Possibly even a move …

Remains: the somewhat invisible couple Nathalie and Dennis. Nathalie has since made it clear that she has never lived together despite her 33 years. We do not yet know why. Fortunately, Dennis is still really over the moon with his new ‘wife’ and he clearly opens up his life to her. In fact, there is some rapprochement for the first time. Cuddling can be done very carefully while binge viewing, and a good night kiss is possible. Is there hope after all?

We screen the couples separately.

Hanne & Davy: “He discusses everything very broadly”

Blind Married;  season 7, episode 7 on Sunday March 28, 2021 at VTM.  In the photo: Davy & Hanne

Blind Married; season 7, episode 7 on Sunday March 28, 2021 at VTM. In the photo: Davy & Hanne © VTM

Things are not going very well between Hanne and Davy, and we express ourselves cautiously. It doesn’t really go between the two at all. To be clear: Hanne is doing her very best to get through her husband’s cocoon. At first we thought that she was doing that a little too explicitly by tattling all the time, then we now know that she mainly does that to lure him out of his dorm. But he remains stoic. With meaningless answers like ‘It has to come in’ or ‘I try to communicate with music’. Is it to make it plainly clear that he doesn’t really like Hanne? But that he does not dare to say that? The roguish, cheerful Frans who sat at the table chatting thighs during the visit of the sisters and Hanne’s brother-in-law, seemed a completely different man in everything when Davy crawled away like a snail in his house a little later. “I found it difficult how he first blossomed and that was clearly not possible for me alone”, Hanne rightly stated. Time for Davy to open up.

Chances of Success: 20 percent (was 40 percent)

Nathalie & Dennis: “I don’t have the right to claim my place yet”

While Dennis still lives on his pink cloud and finds ‘his’ Nathalie the woman of his life, she continues to walk around with doubts. Fortunately, the Great Detachment has finally disappeared, but the Great Love has not arrived yet. The question is therefore whether that will ever be the case. But there is laughter, a gentle hug is given and a good night kiss is ready. Nathalie was also welcomed by Dennis’s parents with open arms. Which again led to uncertainty for her. “I will always be welcome here. But that feeling is difficult on the other hand, because I cannot guarantee that I will still be there later. I don’t yet feel like I have the right to claim my place at the family table, ”Nathalie philosophized. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither is a perfect marriage between Nathalie and Dennis.

Chances of Success: 45 percent (was 50 percent)

Veerle & Sven: “Yes, I think I’m a bitch myself”

The bouncer about Veerle & Sven at the end of this ‘Blind Married’ was not really surprising. “It is not going well”, it sounded. Talk about an understatement. After all, it seems that Veerle has decided for herself that the experiment is over. And that the requested TV period of six weeks living together as ‘adult people’ is bridged. Although it would not surprise us if the plug is pulled out earlier for the time being. There’s nothing more annoying than a couple reluctantly living together at two completely different speeds.

It also remains charming to see how Sven continues to do his best almost pathetically to make up for the somewhat obnoxious, slightly bullying behavior of his almost ex-wife. “He is actually a nice man. It’s bad, because he’s doing his best, but I can’t enjoy it ”, Veerle readily admits. “Yes, I think I’m a bitch and I don’t know how to get out,” she confesses to expert Sara. To be completely herself again a little later in the episode and to bark off poor Sven.

Chances of Success: 5 percent (was 10 percent)

Candice & Marijn: “Rice with ketchup is the signature dish”

Did Marijn know where ‘the cork opener’ was somewhere? And what ‘bantam strawberries’ actually are … It’s wonderful how Candice keeps making it up. Perhaps Marijn knew very well where ‘the bottle opener’ or ‘the corkscrew’ was. And of course it was not strawberries but potatoes. And he opens himself up to ‘rice with ketchup’, Candice’s ‘signature dish’. As it suited a gallant man, he just smiles. That’s love. Because Candice and Marijn get along very well. And so they explore each other’s habits, tricks, minor tricks, and look ahead to see how things should continue with them after ‘the experiment’. We eat a little bit of our certainty. Of course, the TV makers are not showing us everything yet. And of course Candice and Marijn have only been married blind for a few weeks. Will a corpse fall from the closet that will draw a line through the bill? We don’t believe it. We aim for success, but still give you and us 10 percent doubts.

Chances of Success: 90 percent (was 100 percent)


Dave from ‘Blind Married’ responds to the many criticisms Hanne receives: “You cannot hide reality” (+)

Veerle does not seem to realize that she is participating in ‘Blind Married’ and Candice and Marijn are the new ‘Brangelina’

Behind the scenes at ‘Blind Married’: free to choose what they wear, not where they buy it

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