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Is there a second corona wave? Christian Drosten warns of development


Christian Drosten warns of outbreaks – is the second wave coming?

Christian Drosten warns that the outbreak at the Tönnies meat group could be an outlook on what Germany is going to do in the autumn.

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This is corona virus expert Christian Drosten

The virologist Christian Drosten already discovered SARS at the time. Now he is the leading expert for the novel corona virus. From the Berlin Charité, he advises politicians and educates citizens.

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  • Christian Drosten said in his latest edition of the NDR podcast that further outbreaks are likely in the fall
  • You have to be very careful about the possible development of a second wave, he emphasized
  • In the current episode, the virologist also spoke about the controversial school openings

The virologist Christian Drosten has in the 50th episode of the NDR podcast from low temperatures and associated outbreaks of the Coronavirus warned in autumn and winter.

Looking at the Meat company Tönnies said the scientist of the Berlin Charité: “Of course we also have this situation of unheated rooms in which there is no air movement. For example in waiting areas of train stations or at bus stops. ”

In the current situation in Gütersloh and the surrounding area “It is crucial that the virus does not spread beyond the area,” he said. He anticipates that the number of hospital stays may increase. However, he considers capacity bottlenecks to be unrealistic because doctors can also transfer patients to clinics in other regions.

Christian Drosten warns in podcast to switch on all alarm sensors

But one has to be very careful about the possible development of a second wave, he emphasized. According to Drosten, a look at other countries in which the virus spreads quickly shows the dangers that threaten. “Children’s clinics have been approved for adults in the southern United States,” said the scientist. There the restrictions were loosened too early.

And what happens in Germany? “I am not optimistic that in a month we will still have the peaceful situation we have now regarding epidemic activity. In two months, I think we’ll have a problem if we don’t turn on all the alarm sensors again, ”said the Berlin virologist. In the previous episode Drosten talked, among other things, about how the virus could change through mutation.

Corona virus and schools – drosten for social discussion

In the current episode, the virologist also spoke about the controversial School openings. “We have to deal socially with how we want to deal with it,” he said. The discussion is now necessary, not only after the summer vacation. The virus cannot be “swept away”. The final consequence could therefore be that there could be no virus-free schools. And this would in turn lead to many questions for teachers and relatives.

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At the end of the episode, Korinna Hennig, moderator of theCoronavirus-Updates“, another surprise on our own behalf: The podcast will go on until the end of August Summer break. She did not give an exact date when it would go on. But: During the break there should be “substitutes”. Other scientists should have their say twice – and of course talk about Corona. (les)

That is the virologist Christian Drosten

  • Christian Drosten is 48 years old. He grew up on a farm in Emsland. He studied chemical engineering and biology in Dortmund and Münster, later human medicine in Frankfurt am Main
  • He later worked at the Institute for Tropical Medicine at the Bernhard Nocht Institute in Hamburg. There he established a research program for the molecular diagnosis of tropical viral diseases
  • From 2007 to 2017 he was head of virology in Bonn, since 2017 he has been working at the Charité in Berlin
  • Drosten has already been awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon

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