Home » Health » Is There a Natural Cure for Cervical Cancer Without Surgery? Be careful, So Said the Doctor

Is There a Natural Cure for Cervical Cancer Without Surgery? Be careful, So Said the Doctor


Cervical cancer or cervical cancer is a frightening disease for women. A number of residents are wondering, is there actually a natural cure for cervical cancer without surgery?

It is known, cervical cancer is caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Cervical cancer is a cancer with the second highest prevalence in Indonesia, which affects women after breast cancer.

General Chairperson of the Indonesian Obstetrics and Gynecology Association (POGI) Prof. Dr. dr. Yudi M Hidayat SpOG, Subsp, Onk, D.MAS, MKes said that the use of natural cervical cancer drugs is misguided. This is because cervical cancer can only be cured through medical procedures.

“Cervical cancer can be cured without surgery, that’s a slightly misleading opinion,” said Prof. Yudi when met by the detikcom team at the Fairmont Hotel, Senayan, South Jakarta, Tuesday (31/1/2023).

So, how to cure cervical cancer? Here’s his narrative

1. Operation

Cervical cancer cells can be removed through surgery. However, this procedure can only be performed for early-stage patients.

“Because cancer is at an early stage, ideally operated on,” he continued.

2. Chemotherapy

Prof. Yudi added, if cervical cancer patients cannot be operated on, they must have chemotherapy. This is because cervical cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

“If it’s chemo, it means it’s gone everywhere. The operation didn’t completely remove (cancer), so chemo was done,” said Prof. Yudi.

3. Cell burning/cautery

In patients who are entering the pre-cancerous stage, Dr. Yudi said that only burning or cautery is sufficient for healing.

4. Surgical removal of the uterus

Meanwhile, in some cases, cervical cancer patients are also forced to undergo surgery to remove the uterus.

“For example, if you have cancer, we are forced to remove the uterus,” said Prof. Yudi.

“Even though some can be taken, only most of it has to be removed from the uterus,” he continued.

Watch VideoPublic toilets have the potential to become a place for transmitting HPV, a trigger for cervical cancer
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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