The first results
It is still too early to take stock, but trends are emerging. At Saint-Pierre La Milliaire, “we note that we will first have to review the fundamentals, because sorting is not well respected,” says the manager of the Environment department. Meetings are already being organized with the Apsis Émergence association and the urban sorting ambassadors. Sorting bio-waste is therefore not for now.
In the villages, the inhabitants seem to be better students. “At the Monday collection, our agents collect approximately 400 bins out of the 1,300 that we distributed in June. This represents 1.8 tonnes: we are within what we expected at three months, ”continues the head of the Environment department. Soon, a questionnaire will be distributed to assess the feelings of the participants. The system will be refined if necessary.
What they think
While waiting for the result of this investigation, we went to take the pulse of the first concerned, in Outrange. Obviously, sorting bio-waste is not straightforward. “We sort glass, cardboard, recyclable packaging. Lately, I opted for a green waste bin so, honestly, the brown bin is one too many, for the moment anyway, ”admits a father. “We are like everyone else, I think: we want to do well, but time is running out”, continues his companion.
Chantal, in her sixties, admits: “I’m trying to do this new sorting, but we have been equipped with biodegradable bags… which leak! So we can’t just put anything in it. So I do the minimum: I put the peelings of apples and potatoes, sometimes the eggshells. Here is “. One of her friends tested the bioseau distributed by the agglomeration, but she quickly gave up: “That’s too much! In the village, a resident whose windows overlook the voluntary drop-off point shrugs her shoulders. “I have a dog, chickens and a garden. I hardly have any waste… ”
” Need some time “
In Angevillers, the mayor admits that, for residents who already have a composter and chickens, this third bin is of little use. “For the others, on the other hand, it’s interesting. If I take my case, I only take out my conventional waste bin once a month! The elected representative regularly sees his constituents come to town hall to look for new bags. “A good sign, but we will still have to communicate on the subject. People need time to get started. “