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Is the Snollebolleke viewer getting tired of Rob?

Rob Kemps was allowed to call himself “De Slimste Mens” and then landed various television jobs. But what makes our Snollebolleke so special? And don’t we see it too much now?

Rob Kemps is increasingly on the subway. In I love Holland; Who knows the Netherlands? and of course in Chansons, the program in which he convincingly shared his love of French songs with the Netherlands, together with Matthijs van Nieuwkerk. Suddenly Snollebolleke seemed to have much more to offer than a carnival party. Or are we being scammed?

Neither sing nor dance
Rob, who has been on stage with après-ski and carnival music for years, cannot sing. He imitates during performances. “I’m not pretty, I can’t dance and I can’t sing,” Rob confessed to the weekly Privé. He added: ,, But I will tear down the tent. No one else cares, I honestly think. I do not understand the issue”.

ventriloquist dummy
Rob was rumored last week to not only mimic on stage, but also act as a ventriloquist dummy on his show ‘De 10 Questions’. Rob would receive questions from writer Antoninette Scheulderman through an earpiece. 10 Questions host Patricia Paay shares that suspicion: “It got so serious that I thought: Those questions can’t come from you.”

Useless programs
Volkskrant TV critic Alex Mazereeuw calls Rob yet another victim of the TV law that breakthrough talent must do everything now. I immediately thought of the former Lama Tijl Beckand, who caused a sensation with De decimo van Tijl and has since been seen ad nauseum in trivial programs such as The Boys against the Girls and De TV Kijker Of The Year.

Without headset
Is it vanity? Money hunting? In any case, Snollebolleke Rob doesn’t mind all the criticism. At the Time for Max table, he shrugged at the criticism leveled at him. “I always think: if you like it, you like it, and if you don’t like it, you don’t like it.” Damn, what a depth, and that without a headset.

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