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Is the European Gigafactory the most beautiful of all? Musk showed the final form for the first time

Elon Musk recently published an official render on his twitter account, which shows a fully completed European Tesla Gigafactory.

The first official render of the European Gigafactory near Berlin photo: Tesla

Surprisingly, we haven’t seen the renderer before, as in the case of Gigafactory in Nevada and Shanghai in China. But it’s a bigger and more pleasant surprise now.

Notice the new design, which is very futuristic and very different from Tesla’s existing factories. The roof is covered by solar panels, which drive the entire factory. And it looks like there are some pools or ponds. There is a lot of greenery around the whole building and it all looks quite ecological to the eye.

Tesla announced the European Gigafactory in the autumn of last year, and since the beginning of this year it has been doing everything to ensure that the construction is completed as soon as possible. In the case of the Chinese Gigafactory, it took only a year; for the European Gigafactory, it is to be completed in July 2021, ie again about a year after the start of construction. The Model Y will then go into production here, which will not otherwise be officially available for purchase in European countries until then.

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