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Is the Epic Games Store User Agreement Risky? A User’s Analysis

Some users simply accept what they have entered into the agreement. One user nevertheless read it, and paid attention to what was happening in the Epic Games Store

Dedspasito had TES V Skyrim taken from the Epic Games Store in April. At the same time, he has already managed to play 167 hours, and he had to fight for a refund for the game.

Now Dedspasito keeps track of what’s going on in the Epic Games Store. Attention was drawn to the recent update of the user agreement.

Dedspasito has sorted out a few points of concern (below are screenshots with his notes; the EGS user agreement can be found here).

Dedspasito opines that the Epic Games Store is insured:

«At this point, the first mention appears that Epic is no longer ready for class action lawsuits. As for the RU-sig, this item can be used by the company when a region or user group is disabled».


Here Dedspasito points to the appearance of a link to exceptions (Section 1.2) and draws attention to the following point: it turns out that the Epic Games Store has the right to take games even after payment.


Section 1.2 is titled “Software Developer License”. dedspasito writes:

«This part describes that in addition to the license agreement with EPIC, there is also an agreement with the game developer, which automatically supplement the Epic agreement. There is no word that you have to agree to the developer’s terms. There is no description of the process for changing the developer’s user agreement, although the user must be notified of changes to the user agreement by the EGS. In fact, this is just a loophole for the introduction of new conditions.».


According to clause 2 of the “Terms and License”, as Dedspasito notes: “You have no right to refuse the game. Be careful with insults, now this is a violation of the terms of the user agreement».


Clause 3. “Updates and patches” contains disturbing clauses. Dedspasito writes: “Epic reserves the right to suspend, terminate or restrict your access to any part of the game WITHOUT NOTICE. They are not responsible for rewards and character leveling”


Also, the Epic Games Store does not guarantee that the downloaded software (games) will work properly and will not contain malware. Also, Epic is under no obligation to use any feedback provided.


In paragraph 8 “Guarantee of indemnification, indemnification and remedy”, Dedspasito’s attention was drawn to the following:

«PIf you violate the user agreement, Epic may recover from you. BUT THE MOST INTERESTING may be charged for negligence and inaction on your part. What can fall under these definitions? For example, hacking your account. Now you can just get into the situation. In essence, EGS is risky and dangerous to use».


According to paragraph 9 “Cancellation”, writes Dedspasito:

«In case of violation of the agreement, Epic has the right to throw you out of the store. At the same time, taking into account the conditions in clause 1.2, you can violate the agreement without even knowing it, and any reason can be invented and entered in the process.

An important point. Any adequate agreement must contain the so-called “mirror liability” terms. This means that both parties should be equally responsible. Otherwise, the contract/agreement is fraudulent. In this case the user has no rights at all and moreover, it is stated that they won’t refund the money».


The full version of the analysis of the Epic Games Store user agreement can be found at link.

  • Обложка (zerochan | miyumi | Moekon)

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