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Is the blood clordecone molecule decreasing in Martinique?

The presence of the molecule has been detected for many people in Martinique. Today about 7,000 of them have been tested in the laboratory and it seems that the levels detected in their blood are lower than those in some cities.

A blood test in the laboratory and chlordconemia, that is the dosage of chlordecone in the blood, is measured. From 2021 these tests are free and fully covered by the ARS (Regional Health Agency). The samples are currently being analyzed in Limoges.

The heads of the analysis laboratories note that since 2014 there have been fewer and fewer infected. In Martinique about 500 of them are screened every month and the level of chlordecone in the blood is always lower according to the specialists interviewed.

Laboratory work for the tests of clodeconemia.

© Martinique the 1st

Since theKannari studio conducted between 2013 and 2014 to analyze and understand to what extent chlordecone has an impact on our population, the specialties note that the presence of this product in our body is decreasing.

Since it went free, about 7,000 people have taken the chlordecemia test. However, for elected officials, including MEP Marcellin Nadeau, we need to go further, especially for the clean-up of organs.

To clean up, you need to follow a very specific diet plan. Some organizations, such as the Regional Health Promotion Authority (IREPS), offer adequate support if all exposure to this molecule is stopped. It would take 2 to 6 months to halve the level of chlordecone in the blood simply by following a very specific diet.

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