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Is Sleeping on an Empty Stomach Healthy or Harmful? The Consulto Reviews

04:33 PM Sunday, August 20, 2023

I wrote – Nada Sami:

Many suffer from a feeling of hunger when going to sleep, even with dinner, which leads to the confusion of eating or sleeping on an empty stomach.

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The Consulto reviews in the following report: Is sleeping on an empty stomach healthy or harmful? According to “Eat this” and “Health”.

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Why do you feel hungry when you go to bed?

Going to bed on an empty stomach may not affect your health if you are still meeting your daily nutritional requirements or following a healthy weight loss plan. In some specific cases, even if you follow a nutritious diet, some people feel hungry before going to sleep.

Here are some of the reasons why you may feel hungry at bedtime and whether these are issues that need addressing:

Follow a healthy eating schedule, eat 3 healthy meals and the right snacks a day, and eat an early dinner can make a person feel a little hungry.

Hunger can be felt when going to bed as a result of a person following a low-calorie diet.

– If the body does not get enough sleep every night, this affects the body’s metabolism, and it may be one of the reasons for feeling hungry when going to sleep.

Going to bed on an empty stomach can also be a sign of malnutrition. This occurs when the body consumes less than 1,800 calories per day, as well as a lack of vitamins, minerals and other essential components of a balanced diet. Prolonged undernutrition can contribute to growth retardation in young children and other health problems seen in adults.

Is it good to sleep on an empty stomach?

Going to bed on an empty stomach can cause grogginess and an inability to fall asleep quickly, but going to bed hungry is healthier than eating too close to bedtime.

Eating right before bed or having a late dinner can lead to an increase in BMI, indigestion or insomnia. Some studies have shown that eating too close to bedtime can lead to the following health risks:

Eating in the evening or close to bedtime can lead to weight gain.

– A late dinner can lead to consuming more calories in the day. Eating close to the time when the body produces melatonin, which occurs a few hours before bedtime, can lead to an increase in body fat percentage.

Some research indicates that eating before bedtime hinders the body’s natural sleep cycle, which increases the chances of insomnia and many other sleep disorders, which affects a person’s physical and psychological health.

What can you eat before bed?

Instead of skipping dinner and having an empty stomach before going to bed, you can eat some healthy foods to help your body feel more rested and sleep easier. Foods to eat before bed include:

Foods that contain amino acids, which help the body activate the serotonin hormone. Food sources include fish, chicken, nuts, and eggs. cereal.

– Sweet potatoes can help you sleep better, as they contain vitamin B6, which improves mood, and stimulates melatonin, which helps sleep, so eating sweet potatoes helps to feel relaxed and sleepy.

Almonds are a good source of magnesium, which helps relax muscles, which helps with relaxation and sleep.

– Since bananas are an excellent source of both potassium and magnesium, eating them before bed can help with sleepiness, by contributing to the relaxation of the body’s muscles.

Also read: Why do some people have difficulty falling asleep despite their sleepiness?

2023-08-20 13:36:22

#sleeping #empty #stomach #healthy

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