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Is Russia preparing a missile attack on hydroelectric power stations? Why are enemy UAVs circling near Kyiv and what is their purpose?

For several days in a row in Kyiv region and in Kyiv An air raid alarm sounds from time to time because of enemy UAVs flying in the sky in the north of the capital. Or as the Air Force calls them in their reports, “a target of unknown type.”

Perhaps these are enemy reconnaissance drones trying to get to Vyshgorod, where the Kyiv hydroelectric power station dam is located.

On Tuesday, a drone of “unknown type” was recorded, which left Belarus and was passing through the Exclusion Zone and the Kiev Sea towards Vyshgorod, and then to the left bank of part of the share. There have been similar messages before.

TSN.ua find out what these strange movements of Russian drones mean and whether they can gather information to prepare a missile strike on the Kyiv hydroelectric station dam.

Encouragement from Lukashenko and pressure from Putin

A military expert Igor Romanenko saying that if the appearance of drones is systematic, this indicates the operation of reconnaissance drones. But he does not claim that UAVs traveling from Belarus to the Kiev region have a motivated motive, that is, that they are deliberately violating Ukrainian airspace .

“I think so Lukashenko himself will not be willing to make such a promotion. He recently announced that he is ready to help take Ukraine back, and in the meantime, Lithuania wants to bring him to justice for war crimes. That is, that UAVs and even training aircraft are flying out of Belarus to Ukraine is an obvious pressure from Putin. The Russian dictator wants Belarus to be involved in the war as much as possible, but Lukashenko denies this as best he can, including, perhaps, with the actions of his plane,” says TSN.ua Igor Romanenkomilitary expert, retired lieutenant general and deputy chief of the General Staff (2006-2010).

The Russian dictator wants Belarus to be drawn into the war as much as possible / Photo: TSN.ua

Patience in Ukraine will last forever

The expert emphasizes that Ukraine in this case behaves carefully in terms of violations of its own airspace. Although it could theoretically shoot down drones and planes crossing the state border. But now we don’t need a big conflict with our neighbor to the north, whatever it is.

“Of course, Putin understands this, that’s why Lukashenko sets the task of gradually encouraging Ukraine – make those drone flights to the Kiev region and the Chernobyl zone more frequent. But, if this becomes a daily occurrence, then, of course, Ukraine will not leave this unansweredbut he will take steps to land planes or destroy them in the air,” notes Igor Romanenko.

The enemy is preparing for a major attack

Regarding the drones flying north of the Kiev region and towards Vyshgorod, the expert believes that these can be both attack and reconnaissance drones.

“With that Russia Recently they have been carrying out air attacks on Ukraine especially with Shaheds. with very little use of missiles, I do not rule out that the Russians could do reconnaissance before a future missile strike – that is why these drones appear in the Kiev area and near Vyshgorod. According to information data, Now the Russians are preparing strategic aircraft with the appropriate missilesand also launched seven ships carrying Caliber into the Black Sea. And this shows that preparations are underway for a large or joint strike,” notes Igor Romanenko.

Missile strike on the Kiev hydroelectric power station / Collage: TSN.ua

What could the enemy target?

According to a military expert, the enemy may be preparing a missile strike against military targets and critical infrastructure – Thermal power plants, hydroelectric power stations, electrical substations.

“The cold period is approaching, therefore, to increase the moral and psychological pressure on our citizens, Putin may be preparing to strike especially at critical infrastructure facilities. What they have done before – destroyed our thermal power plants, attacked hydro power stations and infrastructure facilities “So, perhaps, with the beginning of the freeze, this is exactly the strategic decision that Putin intends to implement,” notes the military expert.

Why you should not worry about the dam

Igor Romanenko says that the enemy can now, with the help of drones, collect intelligence data about these objects and is trying to identify weak points in our air defense system. And accordingly, we must strengthen our defense and be ready.

“I don’t think so the enemy is investigating the situation especially regarding the Kyiv hydroelectric station dam. If he does this, then in conjunction with other goals. You see, the station building has a powerful defense, and Putin’s incentives have many more dangers. How much does it cost Russian aircraft to fly over three Ukrainian nuclear power plants? Among them over the Chernobyl station. This is much more dangerous than the Kyiv hydroelectric power station dam,” concluded Igor Romanenko.

What can happen if missiles hit a dam?

The engineers who built the dam were primarily concerned with safety. Therefore, various loads or emergency situations were built into the dam fortress of the Kyiv hydroelectric power station. Some experts say so the dam can withstand even a nuclear strike. And to spoil it you need up to 15 missiles to hit one spot.

As previously reported by TSN.ua Sergei Popkohead of Kyiv city military administration, Russian missiles can indeed damage the metal gates of the dam.

“This could lead to an uncontrolled leakage of water from the Kyiv reservoir. There will be short-term flooding in some areas below the dam along the Dnieper. However, according to Ukrhydroenergo’s forecasts, these flood areas will not be very small and all operational services and residents will be notified about such floods in a timely manner,” said Sergei Popko.

First, we talk about it Rusanovsky and Voskresensky gardens, Hydropark, Gorbachikha tract and some other areas on the left bank of the capital.

But the KGVA says that the construction of the Kyiv hydroelectric power station dam is reliably protected and is under regular military control.

Earlier TSN.ua spoke about its possible existence damage to the dam of the Kyiv hydroelectric power station: the expert told what to prepare for it.

Read also:

Russia may hit the Kyiv hydroelectric power station dam: what the enemy is doing and what part of Kyiv is at risk

The OVA reported on the Kyiv hydroelectric station and the impact of the attack

The capital could be flooded in 25 minutes: will the Kiev hydroelectric power station withstand a Zircon strike and what will happen next

2024-10-11 00:32:00

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