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Is Putin no longer paying money to soldiers? “Had to take out a loan”

Vladimir Putin’s bloody war in Ukraine has been raging for over two years. Tens of thousands of Russians have lost their lives miserably as cannon fodder. The remaining soldiers continue to fight in the senseless “special operation”. But the Kremlin dictator apparently doesn’t care about his soldiers and their families. Many families report that their relatives are no longer receiving pay in the war.

++ Interesting: Putin aims super weapons at Berlin – now there is a lot of crying because Germany is fighting back ++

No more payday for Putin’s soldiers?

Has Putin stopped paying his men in the Ukraine war? In the Russian Ural Federal District, more and more relatives of Russian soldiers are apparently having to chase after state war payments. This is evident from a video clip published on X, which was shared by the former adviser to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, Anton Gerashchenko.

The clip is said to show the mother of a Russian soldier, who is apparently seeking civil legal assistance. However, the recording has not yet been independently verified. The distraught woman complains that her son, as a Russian soldier, has not received any state payments: “No payments. We had to take out a loan and send him money,” criticizes the crying woman. “Many people are not paid and people don’t know what to do.” In her desperation, she therefore turned to the counselor in the city of Chelyabinsk.

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Many families complain about payment freeze

The contact point employee even reports that more and more relatives of Vladimir Putin’s “special military operation actors” are currently seeking advice from him. “It is not uncommon to see crying relatives in our reception rooms,” says the advisor.

The woman in the video talks about her large family and her children, whom she raised without a husband. “I suffered a lot,” confesses the mother. Because the state payments were not forthcoming, she initially turned to the military unit responsible for her son, but was turned away. “Nobody knows anything,” complains the woman.

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The civil law advisor at the contact point in Chelyabinsk also criticized the responsible authorities, who were unable to give the woman any information about the missing payments. “What kind of attitude is that? They should react to the problems of these families.” But instead there was “zero reaction.” For Putin and the authorities, the relatives apparently “don’t even exist.”

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