Home » today » World » Is President Radev a geopolitical balancer? – 2024-04-02 20:24:54

Is President Radev a geopolitical balancer? – 2024-04-02 20:24:54

/ world today news/ After a series of amateur foreign policy performances by the prime minister and the foreign minister’s finding that two foreign policies are being pursued in Bulgaria, on May 10-11 this year President Radev was on an official visit to Prague. A month before the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU, accompanied by his former employee Minister Genchovska. Which did not accompany Prime Minister Petkov abroad. The Czech president was expected 2 years ago in our country, but it seems that due to his deteriorating health, he had to change the household with his Bulgarian counterpart.

According to the latest averaged sociological data, as far as they can be trusted, President Radev enjoys the approval of 50% of those polled, 10% are indifferent and 40% do not like him as a manager. For modern journalism (according to Colho Bossia) the topics discussed during such visits are boring and uniformly clichéd. Only the presidential website engages in more detail with the retold assessments of President Zeman za excellent bilateral relations. For the record high level of bilateral trade, which in 2021 amounted to 1.727 billion euros, representing an increase of 18%. Also about Radev’s recommendations for a faster transition to a digital and digital economy and a single energy market. Or even with his European-heretical opinion that the EU should not allow the rapid imposition of modern renewable technologies at the expense of the closure of base capacities such as coal, nuclear power, gas power generation. According to the traditional historical, Bulgarian and Bohemian styles; also benevolent foreign policy relations or the prospects for expanding cooperation – there is nothing new and original on the site. Clichés worthy of a bunch of yawns according to the journalism of digital trapanization. Without truths that the Czech Republic produces, we import a lot and from everywhere and wait for European subsidies for what not. Gratitude for decades of on-duty support for Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen area. Without intriguing coverage of Radev’s meetings with Czech Prime Minister Fiala, the heads of both chambers of the parliament, with templates on the business forum and the meeting with activists of the 17,000-strong Bulgarian diaspora in the Czech Republic.

The “progressive slave-expressive forces” manifested themselves with the comment “How Radev again landed with Putin’s friends” for “Deutsche Vele” from her paid columnist, mentioned on the screens as Bulgarian political scientist, Petar Cholakov (from the “list of trustworthy” for the electronic mass media to be invited and admitted as a commentator). Instead of political leadership in a difficult situation for Bulgaria, according to him, the president demonstrated figures from the “top aerobatics”: how to please both the native readers of the dictator (Putin) and not to irritate the West?

In Prague, President Radev commented on the war in Ukraine, trying to show geopolitical flexibility. (How bad, even Laudacio! – com. OG) Instead, he did a clumsy pirouette. His goal was transparent: to stay between his favorite two chairs – the Kremlin and Brussels. This maneuver would not bring political dividends to Radev, but was dangerous for the national security of Bulgaria. (You can see!!! – O.G.). Radev stated that he “categorically condemns the Russian aggression, which requires a unified response within the framework of NATO and the EU”. But he immediately hastened to add something else – apparently in order not to worry and confuse Putin’s native admirers – “we should not have allowed the sanctions imposed on Russia to impose damages on the economy and social system”. With his sharp statements against the “charlatans and warmongers” in our country (that is, even in the government), with which he commented on the war in Ukraine, Radev greatly disturbed his balance between the two chairs and allegedly secretly, but in fact with a bang, landed in the pro-Putin niche.

Happy royalty, Mr. Cholakov! So:

President Radev tried verbal balancing instead of cutting through the suffocating cloak of Kremlin propaganda in Bulgaria. As “even the Czech President Zeman, who was among the most devoted admirers of Putin (??? – O.G.), after the start of the “special operation” admitted that he was wrong about the Kremlin. And he insisted on maximum firmness towards Moscow. “The madman must be isolated,” Zeman said of Putin. According to “atlantica-kiryakstefchovets” P.Ch. “the Bulgarian government and the parliament gave birth to a nondescript mouse on the hot topic of Bulgarian weapons for Kiev. And the commander-in-chief tried to flirt with public sentiment. “What a laughing stock Bulgaria is”! Here, too, the German kandarma (= propaganda)-fees are excessive! Makes political assessments of changes in positions AND of a foreign head of state, about whom he judges probably by boulevard and/or media, written according to the “$-€-watt, but NOT ruble (!) Matrix of the General Line”.

Before and as an ambassador in Prague, I knew Miloš Zeman as the head of a party, of the Lower House of the Parliament and as the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic in the 1990s. In 1999, I also officially accompanied him on the first official visit of a Czech prime minister to the Republic of Bulgaria after that of the Czechoslovak Lubomir Strougal to the NRB in 1988. He is a non-standard and emotional politician with his own opinion. In 1993, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2007, 2016, Mr. Zeman was sentenced to monetary fines for inaccurate information, offensive expressions, etc. Or: “to apologize…”. And in the Czech Republic they did not understand him because of his foreign policy postulate about the need to maintain balanced and independent relations separately with each of the three super-empires USA-Russia-China. …Despite the occupation of Czechoslovakia before August 1968 after the Prague Spring… On May 9, 2015 in Moscow and on September 3 this year in Beijing as president M. Zeman personally attended the solemn parades on the occasion of the end of the World War. Because of Washington’s criticism of the Moscow parade, Zeman “put the US ambassador on the spot”, denying him access to the presidential offices of Hrada and Lani.

The predecessors Vaclav Klaus and Vaclav Havel had a similar attitude towards the three empires (for the latter, the Dalai Lama is off topic with the PRC). Their priority was the Czech Republic, above all else. Hardly any of them, in Petar Stoyanov’s place, would dare to return the original of “History of Slavonic Bulgaria”, to stammer in Choremashki language about replacing the Cyrillic alphabet with the Latin alphabet, to introduce proven outsiders as ambassadors.

After the “Bulgarian candidate” trail in the case of an explosion at a military warehouse in Varbetice and the deterioration of Czech-Russian relations, it was hardly tactful for a journalist, still probably with a Bulgarian passport, to behave like an elephant in a glass shop on the subject.

Cholakov is trying to belittle the president’s nationally responsible positions, pointing to him as “an alternative to the other side of the barricade – authoritarianism, obscurantism and poverty, the iron fist of unbridled, repressive personal power crushing everyone: journalists like Politkovskaya, oppositionists like Navalny, “human rights defenders” like Sergey Magnitsky”. As we know a lumpen-propaganda formulation-slogan: “He who does not jump is red, i.e. COMMUNIST, modernized = Russophile, Russob, PUTINIST”. Borrowed from the Bible in the propaganda rhetoric of Lenin or Max Stirner, later from Stalin’s dictatorship of the proletariat, the phrase: “He who is not with us is against us.” And in Ivan the Terrible time, I think the slogan was appropriated by the vocation of Prague fans (fans) of FC “Sparta”: “Kdo neskáče, není Sparťan” (He who does not jump is not from “Sparta”) or “… něni Čech” = … not Czech.

The Sorosoid-“political scientist” torments in beefy rapture as the ideological basis of his Gamenian attitude to the logical and rational views of the president of a small and non-empire Bulgaria “the values ​​of constitutionalism – of the modern world, of democracy”: political pluralism, rule of law, division of authorities, personal freedom – this is the core of the EU, these are the FOUNDATIONS of the AMERICAN POLITICAL SYSTEM! From them spring the free market and the economic prosperity of the West”(and the IV eventual Reich of “Deutsche Welle”?).

On the same day Georgi Atanasov in the article “Eunuchs of a new gender” states that “never before in Ithe story of a single country has not been bracketed, nominated and mythologized like the USA. And that in a period of cruel, existential internal crisis between the shores of the Atlantic and the Pacific (Pacific Ocean) / Topic-taboo for native politically correct-obedient SMRAD = means for mass advertising, agitation and disinformation! O.G./. “And on top of what? “American Democracy” is a porn ob(session) for geeks from the yellow cobblestones of Sofia, for whom Hiroshima, McCarthy, Vietnam, Assange, BLM (for “green energy” O.G.), the 33 points of gender identity and the shooting of dissidents in the Capitol on January 6, 2021 are irrelevant. Along with the “collateral victims” in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Serbia, Odessa, Donbas, etc. Does it make sense to add the falsified presidential vote in favor of the nefarious George Biden?» (end of quote O.G.).

Or about the genocide against the Indians, over Bulgaria (1943-44), Tokyo, Prague, Dresden, when during the previous cold war the USA threatened with nuclear weapons in 8 cases of armed conflicts.

Or how, unlike the Europe of the “cousins, gyaus and goyim”, “first cousins/rivals Russia and the USA” put an end to slavery and serfdom at about the same time, the USA – legally later.

At the same time, Mr. Atanasov says that in this political context he is most horrified by the words of Vladimir Putin, spoken not so long ago, namely – WHAT IS THE WORLD FOR WITHOUT RUSSIA?! The commentator warns us, I quote: «Let us be careful, because the Master of the Kremlin is the bearer of the monarcho-Bolshevik, Orthodox, masochistic messianism, which does not fit within the framework of European liberal, selfish, pragmatic individualism. This is scary, because if the collective West under the auspices of Washington continues to stretch the rubber band, sooner or later an atomic sponge will burst out of Pandora’s box …»»

I would hardly be able to add anything after that to the commercialized journalism and Euro-elites – synonyms of spineless pandering, except prayers to the Most High and human reason.

The governing clique of Kostov, Stoyanov, Sofianski, the International Nadka, which ruled years ago, without a referendum, brought us into a one-sided “civilizational choice”. If President Radev could be reprimanded seriously (except for the raised fist and lumpen-“political” for rubellaism and the “green socks”) this would be his active complicity in the creation of the pro-Harvard political carriage-movement of sloppy randoms.

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#President #Radev #geopolitical #balancer

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