Home » today » Health » Is new research a reason to really stop drinking now? This is the result of the statement of the day

Is new research a reason to really stop drinking now? This is the result of the statement of the day

Most people know that alcohol is addictive and bad for your liver. But that it is an important cause of cancer is much less known. According to research by the Trimbos Institute.

Trimbos had a sample taken among nearly six thousand adults to test the knowledge of the Dutch about alcohol harm. When asked what alcohol can do, cancer was the least mentioned. That while smoking is the most important avoidable cause of the disease.

For most voters, namely 64 percent, this latest research is no reason to give up drinking now. Because it has to remain fun, is the reasoning. “Growing old isn’t the only important thing in life.” And: ‘an occasional glass is quite pleasant. You don’t have to take 5 a day, do you?’

Some voters cheated a little bit when filling in the statement: they weren’t drinking anyway… And others indicate that this latest study by Trimbos was not the push. ‘E There were already enough reasons to stop drinking alcohol! Besides the addictive effect and the physical health risks, it also causes many problems in the social context.’

Some voters feel patronized by the outcome. “They’re already banning everything. If I have to give up my beer now, what are we still living for?”

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