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Is Meghan Markle Writing Her Own Memoir? The Potential Impact on the Royal Family and Her Solo Career

For months the indiscretion has been circulating according to which Meghan Markle he would be thinking of writing his own memoir, following the example of Prince Harry. A new book that would put the royal family in serious difficulty, perhaps even more direct and scabrous than that of the Duke of Sussex. At the moment there is no confirmation, but for Meghan, publishing a possible autobiography could represent not only an already tested system to remain in the spotlight, but also a ploy to pursue a solo career, so to speak, without Harry whose the name, according to experts, would now be “burnt”.

Come Michelle Obama?

Meghan Markle has “the firm intention” of writing her autobiography, reported the Express. She wouldn’t miss her material: from her childhood in the United States to her royal wedding, passing through her career as an actress, including anecdotes, impressions and details, the Duchess shouldn’t be afraid of a blank page. Several experts argue that the dukes would have nothing more to tell, but perhaps this is not the case for Meghan. After all, no one still knows her point of view on her years at the Palazzo, on her relationship with Re Carlo III, Queen Elizabeth, William and Kate, as well as many facts involving her that Harry narrated in “Spare. Similarly, the name of the author of the alleged discriminatory comments against Archie has not yet been revealed. A “cartridge” that the duchess would be keeping for the right moment. There is also the possibility that Meghan will write a book with the desire to transform her life into an example, an inspiration to others, modeled on the successful works of Michelle Obama. The latter has also managed to create very popular conferences and podcasts starting from her books, which narrate profound, important events. It remains to be seen, however, whether the stories told by the Duchess will have the same depth and narrative force, ghostwriter aside, as those narrated by the former First Lady.

Starting with the coronation

The idea of ​​a book signed by Meghan Markle wouldn’t be so strange according to royal expert Joshua Rom, who told Fox News “[Harry e Meghan] they need to continue to have ties with the royal family, they have set their future projects on this and it seems that Meghan has a book among her works”. Indeed the career of the Sussex in the USA, up to now, it has relied, indeed rested on the connection with the Windsors. We haven’t seen much else beyond the attacks on the Crown. Given the lack of ideas and perhaps even of “talent” of the dukes, which would have wrecked the collaboration with Spotify, it is essential for the couple to maintain this bond in order not to end up forgotten. Meghan’s memoir would ensure hype and earnings. According to Rom there is an event that could serve as an incipit, from which the duchess could begin to tell her story: “What better material than a coronation, where [Harry e Meghan] confront their past…and come face-to-face with the royal family at the crucial moment? Saying they are aware of their reputation.” Joshua Rom said these words in March 2023, before the announcement of Meghan’s absence from the coronation arrived, but his comment remains current: in a hypothetical memoir, Harry’s wife could tell why she avoided the meeting with the royal family, last May 6 and from there remembering his life.

Meghan ‘will leave nothing out’

Last January an insider revealed to Radar Online: “[Meghan] she’s considering being completely honest about her time in the royal scene and not leaving anything out. It’s just a matter of time and for how long [Meghan] she’ll want to hold on to preserve what’s left of the relationship between her, Harry and King Charles.” The source also added that the dukes would like to understand “what they can still get from the monarchy in terms of titles and perks”. Words that would sound rather threatening for the Windsors, who would be “afraid” of the duchess’s revelations. To be honest, the duchess would have made a veiled threat to “spill the beans” during the interview with The Cut, in August 2022. Speaking of her return to London for the Platinum Jubilee of the Queen Elizabeth Meghan revealed: “You come back, open the drawers and [ti dici] wow, is this what I wrote in my diary?” According to the insider of radar Online, the fear felt by the Windsors before the publication of Harry’s memoir would be nothing in comparison and “the royal family could be even more frightened by what Meghan could say. It’s a nightmare for royalty. Meghan will do whatever she wants and no one can stop her.”

No divorce, but “separate careers”

Meghan’s possible memoir could also mark the start of her solo career. A way to break away from Harry, whose reputation she would now be compromised. After all, building success on the Windsor name does not mean having to take every step with the duke. Meghan can set up her job without her husband and vice versa without this affecting the bond that the couple wants and must maintain with the royal family to get attention. Nowhere does it say that the two have to work together on every project. And that doesn’t mean, of course, that the two will divorce. However, experts say, for Meghan to separate professionally from Harry could be an advantage, especially after the debacle with Spotify. During the Australian show Sunrise, royal commentator Kinsey Schofield explained: “I think this is the beginning of the end for the Sussex Entertainment brand, which was so important when [la coppia] has left the royal family… the Sussex brand is now tarnished”. Schofield mentioned William Morris’s agency, with which Meghan was rumored to be signing a deal. The team at this agency may have advised the Duchess to relaunch her career by leaving Harry behind, of whom the public would be tired by now. “The prince’s negative allure is blocking Meghan’s professional future,” the agent allegedly said. “A strategic departure” would be needed, as reported by La Repubblica. The Duchess of Sussex would have listened to her advice, because “her priority is to save her career”.

Do we really need an autobiography of Meghan?

“I would find it surprising if Meghan didn’t publish her story…Spare is Harry’s chance to tell his side of events, but Meghan’s is equally interesting. I mean, how many actresses end up marrying a prince?” said an agent at Hollywood at the Mail On Sunday. Not everyone, however, would agree with this opinion. A US film industry executive retorted to the Daily Mail: “We had the Oprah Winfrey interview, then the Netflix series, now the Harry book…Does the world really need to hear Meghan’s story right now? If I could have advised her, I would have warned her against publishing a book too hastily, because there is a real risk that people will start to feel tired of the Sussexes. There comes a time when people get bored of hearing the same stories too many times.”

2023-08-04 05:30:00
#book #series #memoir #Meghan #royal #family #tremble

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