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Is Joe Biden too old for a second term? Can the Democrats still replace him?

Gavin Newsom (r.) makes no secret of the fact that he would like to “inherit” Joe Biden. Image: keystone

For an overwhelming majority of Americans, Joe Biden is too old for a second term. Could the Democrats still replace him? It would be a feat, but possible.

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When it comes to his age, Joe Biden likes to resort to self-irony. “I may not look it, but I’ve been here for a while. I remember it,” said the 81-year-old US President on Monday at a conference in Washington to laughter from the audience. Such comments could also be described as gallows humor.

Because age is increasingly becoming Biden’s biggest handicap. In one recent ABC News poll No fewer than 86 percent of those surveyed said the president was too old for a second term. Last September it was “only” 74 percent. It doesn’t help him much that 59 percent thought that Donald Trump had also passed his expiration date.

Billionaire JB Pritzker (l.) is governor of Illinois and a possible “replacement” for Joe Biden.Image: keystone

The discussion has recently become more urgent. A report by special counsel Robert Hur on the confidential documents found in Biden’s garage contributed to this. It describes the president as a “well-meaning older man with a poor memory.” He doesn’t even remember the year his son Beau died.

A senile Grampa Simpson?

At least the last point was found hurtful even by Biden critics. The president, who is very sensitive in family matters, reacted angrily – and made the Egyptian head of state Abdel Fatah al Sisi president of Mexico at a media conference. He had previously had similar misfires.

He confused French President Emmanuel Macron with François Mitterrand, who died almost 30 years ago. In moments like this, Joe Biden is reminiscent of the senile Grampa Simpson, to whom he has already been compared. In reality he is supposed to be mentally fit, but he tires more quickly than before and then mistakes like this happen.

Bad poll numbers

The office of US President is also not a fountain of youth. You age quickly in the White House, unless your name is Donald Trump and you don’t have a hard work ethic. Added to this is Biden’s wobbly gait, which his doctors say is due to a stiffening of the spine. In other words: Joe Biden actually looks old.

“Gnuush in the head”?

Video: watson/Lucas Zollinger

In addition, there are generally poor poll numbers because Americans associate his economic policy more with more expensive food than with the many new jobs, the industry being brought back with subsidies or the repair of the ailing infrastructure. Doubts are therefore growing among Democrats as to whether Biden could stand up to Donald Trump.

Showdown in Chicago?

The president, however, is firmly convinced that he can defeat his predecessor as he did four years ago. He doesn’t have any serious challengers. Biden easily won the primary in New Hampshire, even though he wasn’t even on the ballot. He also won overwhelmingly in South Carolina. Is there still a way to replace it?

Similar scenarios are circulating in Washington. The final nomination of the presidential candidate will take place at the Democratic Party Convention from August 19th to 22nd in Chicago. In earlier times, when there were no primary elections in the modern sense, the final selection was always made on this occasion.

Bad memories

There is little to prevent it from happening again. Such a process would have the advantage that the Democrats would be spared a tough and expensive primary election campaign. At the same time, Joe Biden could come to the realization that the time might be ripe for retirement. His family could have an important say in this.

Shortly before the party conference, Biden would declare his withdrawal and release the votes of his delegates. This scenario involves the risk that a bargaining situation would occur in Chicago. The Democrats have bad memories of the city because there were chaotic scenes at the 1968 nomination convention in Chicago.

Obama as kingmaker

However, Joe Biden and his former “boss” Barack Obama would act as “kingmakers” in front of and behind the scenes ensure an orderly process, speculates the “Spiegel”. Potential candidates are available, even without the conspiracy theory spread by Republicans in advance Michelle Obama.

The former first lady has said far too often that she is not interested in returning to the White House as president. Vice President is unlikely to be an issue either Kamala Harris be, even though she is trying conspicuously to engage in conversation. She was too unlucky in the 2020 election campaign and remained too “invisible” in her office.

These names are mentioned

However, some younger Democrats are already running “a kind of shadow election campaign,” according to “Spiegel.” They are primarily found in the states:

Gretchen Whitmer has been considered a candidate for the presidency since her re-election in 2022. Image: keystone

  • Gavin Newsom: The 56-year-old governor of California presents himself particularly conspicuously as a reserve president, for example during a “state visit” to China. He is telegenic and popular, but in the rest of the USA there are reservations about “left-wing” California.
  • Gretchen Whitmer: The 52-year-old with the first name that is special to German-speaking ears has made a name for herself as governor in the swing state of Michigan. In November 2022, she secured comfortable re-election despite adverse circumstances.
  • J.B. Pritzker: As governor of Illinois, the 59-year-old would have a “home game” in Chicago. He is trying to gain a national profile and, as a billionaire, can afford an expensive campaign. Pritzker could become the first Jewish US president.
  • Andy Beshear: Some consider the 46-year-old governor of Kentucky to be the Democrats’ greatest political talent. He is very popular in the ultra-conservative state, although he does not “bend” but instead supports abortion and LGBTQ rights.

Each of these names could give the election campaign a new dynamic, especially against Donald Trump, who is also no longer “fresh”. And if the scenario comes true, he or she could lean on Biden’s campaign machine. This would be essential because there were only two and a half months until the presidential election.

Such a strategy would definitely be a feat of strength. And it is by no means certain that Joe Biden will step down. So far he has shown no signs of willingness in this direction. However, if Trump continues to drift into ever more extreme territory, then even age concerns would not be an obstacle to Biden’s re-election.

Joe Biden – his life in pictures

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Joe Biden – his life in pictures

In 1942, a boy was born in the US state of Pennsylvania who would later achieve the highest political ordination: Joseph Robinette Biden, known as “Joe”. Joe is one of four children, the Bidens are a working class family.

Bild: Joe Biden presidential campaign.

those: https://joebiden.com/joes-story/

Highlights from Biden’s inaugural speech

Video: watson

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2024-02-16 19:09:49
#Democrats #rid #Biden

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