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Is it true that holding your breath for 10 seconds can be a way to detect Covid?

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia was also followed by the emergence of a lot of misinformation in the community. One of the related information is being able to detect Covid-19 by holding your breath for 10 seconds.

This information turned out to be circulating on social media Facebook. It was written if there was an easy way to recognize a corona virus infection without a doctor’s visit or laboratory examination, and it only took 30 seconds.

In the post, you are asked to take a breath and hold it for more than 10 seconds. If when you exhale slowly without coughing, without discomfort, without fatigue and without stiffness in the chest, it means that there is no fibrosis in the lungs.

So you are declared not to have any virus in the lungs. In addition, they are also asked to drink half a glass of warm water, every 30 minutes.

“So if there is a Corona virus that has entered your mouth, the warm water that you drink regularly can enter the stomach, where the gastric acidity will immediately KILL THE CORONA VIRUS!” write the post.

However, the Covid-19 Task Force website labeled this information untrue and unfounded. The post falls into the Misleading Content category, quoted Tuesday (22/2/2022).

The public is asked to carry out a PCR test at the Health Research and Development Agency (Balitbangkes) laboratory which is accredited by WHO. The test results are said to be accurate and reliable and can be known in less than 12 hours from the time the sample is received.

The page, citing Ron Eccles, a respiratory disease expert at Cardiff University, said there was no evidence that hot drinks could provide protection against viral infections.

To kill the corona virus that causes SARS requires a temperature of 56 degrees Celsius or more. However, it is hot enough that it can scald human skin and cause sores.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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