KOMPAS.com – Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels.
This disease is one of the health problems that often haunts the community.
Diabetes can affect all parts of the sufferer’s body, including causing hair loss to baldness.
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Then, is it true that diabetes can trigger baldness in sufferers? Check out the following explanation:
The link between diabetes and hair loss
Quoted from the page Diabetes Care Communityirregular hair growth can be affected by several factors such as stress, hormonal imbalance, and high blood sugar levels.
This then disrupts the hair growth cycle and can result in a lack of new growth, hair loss, and even baldness.
The condition of high blood sugar levels in diabetics causes sugar to accumulate in the blood. So that it can damage or clog blood vessels.
As a result, the blood vessels can no longer provide much-needed oxygen to the hair follicles for hair growth.
Poor blood circulation due to high levels of sugar in the blood of people with diabetes, can affect hair growth on the head, even on other parts of the body, such as the arms and legs.
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How does diabetes affect hair growth?
In line with that, reported from the page Healthlinehair growth usually goes through several phases.
The active growth phase lasts 2 years or more. During this time, the hair grows 1 cm every month.
After the transition period, the hair then enters a resting phase. This lasts up to 4 months. After this phase, some resting hairs fall out.
Diabetes can interfere with this process, slowing hair growth.
Diabetics can also lose more hair than usual, causing baldness. Both on the head, on the arms, legs, and other body parts.
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In addition, people with type 1 diabetes are more likely to have the condition called diabetes alopecia areata.
Alopecia areata is a condition in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing the loss of patches of hair on the head and other parts of the body.
Other possible causes of diabetic hair loss include:
- The stress of living with a chronic condition like diabetes
- Thyroid disease, which affects some people with diabetes and can cause hair loss
- Side effects of diabetes drugs consumed
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Tips for dealing with hair loss
Here are some other ways to compensate for hair loss for people with diabetes:
1. Biotin
People with diabetes may have lower levels of biotin. Biotin, which is also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, is naturally present in the following foods:
- Nuts
- Almond nut
- Sweet potato
- Counts
- Onions
- Wheat
There is some evidence that biotin supplementation can slow hair loss in people who are deficient in biotin.
The recommended adequate intake for adults is 25 to 35 micrograms (mcg) per day. However, it’s best to ask your doctor what amount is safe for you.
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2. Sports
Regular exercise can help manage blood sugar well and promote oxygen delivery to your body’s extremities, including your scalp.
Some sports that you can try include:
- Take a leisurely walk
- Swimming
- Lift the load
- Gymnastics
- Yoga
Also, it’s important to check your blood sugar before and after exercise to make sure it’s not too high or too low.
If necessary, consult your doctor or personal trainer before starting an exercise routine for tips on how to exercise safely for people with diabetes.
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3. Drugs
If alopecia is a factor causing your hair loss, your doctor may prescribe steroid medication to reduce inflammation.
Men can also take a pill called finasteride to regrow hair. However, this drug is not recommended for consumption by women.
A dermatologist, or skin care specialist, may recommend a topical medication such as minoxidil to be applied to the scalp or other areas experiencing hair loss.
Also read: Be careful, these are symptoms of diabetes that you often don’t realize
Infographic: Diabetes Medicine Beware of Related Hoaxes
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