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Is it that hard to put on a mask?

Like every year, the drop in temperatures corresponds to an increase in cases of respiratory viruses.

Hospitals, already affected by COVID, are being taken over by sick children and the increase in flu cases among the elderly will soon be felt.

Faced with this observation, which is not surprising, the College of Doctors recommends the resumption of the use of the mask in closed places.

To live in society

Until recently I was reading a Facebook post from an acquaintance who got angry seeing a lady wearing a mask while she was shopping.

But what prevents someone from wearing a mask?

The level of anger over this was disturbing.

“Damn crazy, what is he still doing with his tampon in his face, touching everything in the grocery store with his dirty hands! Being scared of a f*** virus, but both hands in grape bags. »

Let’s put aside the fact that, personally, I wash my fruit before eating it and let’s get back to the question: why so much anger about a mask that doesn’t affect you in any way, other than reducing your exposure to viruses?

It seems the side effect of COVID is the loss of minimal etiquette.

You’re sick? Wear a mask!

We admire the sophistication, discipline and respect of Asians.

In Japan, China and Taiwan it is completely normal to wear a mask out of respect for your fellow citizens when you are sick.

No judgment is linked to the use of the mask, rather the opposite is happening.

Coughing and sneezing in public exposes neighbors to viruses. EUR!

What are we waiting for to behave with the same respect in America?

Is it that hard to put on a mask? Are we selfish enough to think about our well-being before the health of others?

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