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Is it safe to travel to Thailand? Hong Kong residents in Thailand share 3 important precautions for traveling to Thailand: Is it dangerous for the local population to kidnap and leave directly?

Is it safe to travel to Thailand? Hong Kong residents in Thailand share 3 important precautions for traveling to Thailand: Is it dangerous for the local population to kidnap and leave directly?

When traveling to Thailand, many people’s main consideration is personal safety. It is linked to the news of the Southeast Asian fraud that has affected the whole of East Asia in the past two months. It is scary to hear that keywords like “piggy” are at the top of the search engine rankings. The first is Southeast Asia, how can Thailand stay out of it!

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KK 園區 人口 販賣 事件 成 城中 熱 話 @wikipedia

Human trafficking on the KK campus has become a hot topic in the city @wikipedia

In fact, as early as the early days of the incident, Ah Shen, a Hong Kong citizen who has lived in Thailand for 7 years, also learned from a Taiwanese family friend that scam reports began brewing from Taiwan, and more digging. , the more you dig deeper. It is reported that there are Taiwanese who have been duped into working in Southeast Asia. After successfully escaping from KK Park in Myanmar and returning to Taiwan, he has explained over and over again what kind of earth purgatory is found in the park. Friends from Hong Kong even told Ah Shen to pay more attention to personal safety. At the time, he didn’t take her seriously. He did not expect the wind to blow over Hong Kong and then recover in Southeast Asian countries. the media intervened immediately and even pointed out that some tourists were suspected of being kidnapped in Thailand. Is it safe to travel, stay or stay in Thailand right now?

據悉 東南亞 詐騙 路線 的 最終 站 , 是 位於 緬 泰 邊境 苗 瓦迪 地區 的 KK 園區

It is reported that the last stop on the scam route in Southeast Asia is KK Park in the Myawaddy area on the Myanmar-Thailand border

How did the Thai media and the Thai people react?

Looking through Thai media and online news platforms, only the BBC Thai version produced a more in-depth report, titled “Testimony of Victims of Human Trafficking Fraud Groups”, or is related to the fact that most of the victims are Chinese, and have been tricked into carrying out the relationship. The mastermind of the second deception is also Chinese, so Thailand has not received much response and attention to this incident. Ah Shen said Thai friends around him were all surprised when they learned of the incident and a small number of Thai friends who had paid attention to international news said similar incidents are occasionally reported internationally and are not heard. often. As for rumors that some tourists have been kidnapped directly from Thailand to work in the Myanmar park, so far there are no local reports of tourist robberies or organ harvesting.

BBC 泰國 版 以 「受害者 對 人口 販運 詐騙 集團 的 證詞」 為 題 作出 過 較 深入 的 報導 (BBC)

The BBC Thailand edition produced a more in-depth report on “Testimonies of victims of human trafficking fraud groups” (BBC)

A series of terrifying reports of fraud and kidnapping have also made Hong Kong people who have lived in Thailand for many years uneasy. Ah Shen said he was very surprised when he heard the news. For ten years of locals asking for advice, one of them stressed that “this deal has always been done by someone, it’s a question of Yang and Wu Yang’s solution”, and another added, “It won’t go away. , but it’s a slap in the face. When people who know leave, there is a reason and there is an effect. Human trafficking is a long-standing problem in Southeast Asia. A-Shen believes that everyone they should be alert and not overly nervous.For friends who are planning a trip to Thailand, he offers three suggestions.

阿 腎 日常 一 有 時間 會 到處 走 , 感受 泰國 的 人和事

As soon as he has time, Ah Shen will go everywhere and hear about the people and things in Thailand

Three points to note when traveling to Thailand

Note 1: Don’t be greedy for numbers

Avoid temptation before and after your trip to Thailand. Don’t be greedy for numbers. You have to understand the truth of “free is the most expensive”. For example, when visiting scenic spots, a stranger offers to take you to the peerless secret scene for check-in or say you can travel multiple times in a day. For attractions like buy one, get one for free, remember to drop in time. If you want to learn more or find secret attractions, it’s best to plan ahead, or you can go to the A-Shen page“People’s Diary in Aberdeen, Thailand”Scan and browse.

Note 2: Find a reputable Hong Kong travel agency

Friends who like to join the group should do their homework ahead of time and choose a centuries-old and reputable Hong Kong travel agency, because most of them maintain long-term partnerships with local travel agencies in Thailand. Caring and expert in dealing with emergencies. If people run into problems in a different place and solve them the wrong way, the problem will be more complicated.Knowing how to find the right talent is the key.

Note 3: Don’t be a loner

Friends traveling independently can do some homework ahead of time and contact local friends in Thailand to ask for details and taboos.When traveling, try to act with friends and avoid being a loner. Ah Shen believes that if you want to worry about being kidnapped, you better worry about losing your passport and belongings due to too much baggage! Thailand has most things, the luggage can be as light as possible and is suitable for flashing, experience the relaxing fun of travel!

阿 腎 也 經常 與 泰 老婆 到 外省 尋找 秘境 , 然後 在 專 頁 分享 給 讀者

Ah Shen also often goes to other provinces to find secret places with his Thai wife, and then shares them with readers on the special page

Is it safe to travel to Thailand?

Finally, “Is it safe to travel, stay or live in Thailand?” Eventually, Ah Shen confessed that he cannot give a definitive answer and that he can only share the scenes observed in life as a local person. He has chosen responsibly to say that Bangkok is relatively safe, especially now in the post-epidemic period, generally everything in life has returned to normal, and seeing the gradual resumption of flights, large numbers of tourists from all over the world are pushing the famous centers. trade one after the other. We intervene, and we hope that the methods indicated above can be a reference for the Hongkongers who are about to move.

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