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Is it safe to eat the clean part of food that contains mold?

Identify which mold is good and which bad is practically impossible for the human eye

The mold It is one of the clearest signs of food spoilage. However, there is a margin of possibility regarding the consumption of what is broken down, but you must be careful in order that your body does not suffer unpleasant consequences.

Beneficial mold?

According Ace Sport and Life, not all mold is harmful to our body, and there are even foods that owe many of their particular characteristics to having been partially moldy before arriving at our dining room.

These would be fungi that would provide organoleptic characteristics to food (taste, smell, texture, and others). Within these fungi we would find the penicillium variety (the same as the medical substance known as penicillin).

Molds of this type would be responsible for the aroma and flavor of certain types of cheese, such as Roquefort, Brie, Camembert, Cabrales or Gorgonzola. The mold would allow these dairy products complete its maturation and healing process.

What foods can be consumed by removing your mold?

blue mold cheese
Photo: Pixabay

The cheeses previously mentioned, as well as the hard sausagesThey are completely safe to consume after their moldy part is removed.

Certain vegetables have a tendency to develop mold, such as carrots, peppers or cauliflower. These vegetables are safe to eat, as long as you remove the mold and leave a margin of safety.

On the other hand, it is completely contraindicated the consumption of bread, citrus, biscuits and other moldy foods due to humidity conditions. Do not eat these foods even if you got rid of mold because the composition is already affected.

There are types of mold that positively affect the composition of certain foods that we consume, and others whose effects are undeniably harmful. The latter should be avoided for our well-being, and our greatest recommendation is that you always include fresh foods in your diet.

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