can get out of debt.gisel: by the wayopening into therestaurants in the city ofnew york we wanted to investigatehow safe is it to visit thoseplaces.Esperanza Ceballos ate withan expert in has theanswer.hope: doctor maía deLima, social dean ofinvestigation of the faculty ofmedicine with ph ofmicrobiology gives us somerecommendations this end ofweek of the day of love andfriendship.if you are going to go out remember to wearmask.hope: starting today therestaurants in the city ofnew york opens its doors tointerior.How safe is it that we go?Goodnight.of course the restaurantsoy open for dinner todaywas going.of course inside when there isa closed environment there is morepossibility of transmission ofvirus but 25% of the number ofpeople who are therestaurant that’s one thingit gives us a little bit of confidence.until last sundayfor the superbowl.many people have done the samebut inside your house,then all that can don’t feel good, you shouldn’tand.if one does not feel that it iswell that’s a good idea, noit must.of course nothing to those who knowmake dinner with the peoplethat one know that the person does nothas coronavirus does not haveinfection.This is not the time to woojust be with thepeople who know each otherhope: many peopleobviously not going to preferoutside but Indo.restaurants have tocontrol the area inside andalso outside when arriving atdoor of the is a problem that can happensomething but the infection boxit’s going to go down a lot is arisk, of course, everything isa risk in life thenone has to think about whatpositive and negative.