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Is it profitable to invest in a heat pump to heat an old house?

Will the heat pump efficiently heat an older house or will it be necessary to carry out additional thermal modernization of the building? And is it really an investment that pays off, because you have to take into account the cost of 40,000 PLN here? PLN up to over 60 thousand. PLN for the purchase of an air heat pump.

Heat pumps can heat a house and water even several times cheaper than other heat sources. No wonder then that sales of these devices are steadily increasing.

According to the report “Heat pumps barometer 2021”, Poland is in 12th place among the EU countries in terms of sales of heat pumps. In 2020, 54,125 devices were sold in our country, in 2019 it was 31,314 devices.

What do you need to remember to make the investment in a heat pump pay off?

To choose the right way to heat your home, first of all, check the technical conditions of the house and what technologies are available in a given area.

– In the case of gas heating, we do not have access to a gas connection everywhere. In addition, the latest information released by Polska Spółka Gazownictwa shows that the construction of gas connections for new homes has been suspended – the company’s budget for this purpose for 2022-2023 has already run out. Therefore, new homes are doomed to other ways of heating. – explains Artur Czarnik, technical director, Vosti Energy.

Is it profitable to heat an old house with a heat pump?

Choosing the right type of heating is one of the first and most important decisions you need to make when building a house. What about old houses? Does a heat pump pay off here? The answer is yes – but there are some important factors to consider.

– If someone is building a new house, the most sensible solution will be a heat pump, if someone is modernizing the house, technical conditions should be taken into account, which will indicate the appropriate solution. The heat pump can be installed in old buildings, but it must meet the relevant requirements regarding the technical condition of the building. The house should be properly insulated, and the windows and doors should be installed in the appropriate technology. If these requirements are not met, it may turn out that for the client a better solution will be to insulate the building, which will allow him to achieve greater thermal savings than the installation of a heat pump, which will produce heat, and this heat will escape through building partitions. – explains Artur Czarnik.

How to match the heat pump power to the heat demand?

When choosing the right device, there are also several key elements, among which you should pay attention to:

  • usable area to be heated,
  • annual consumption of hot water, which is related to the number of household members,
  • technical condition of the building.

These factors will allow us to select the pump in accordance with the real heat demand of a given facility. We should also remember that this task should be outsourced to professionals.

– The e-mail offer in the case of pumps is not enough, it is important to visit an auditor who will check, take photos, make the necessary measurements and on this basis select the heat pump and all the necessary components. Advice and experience are extremely important here. If we buy a heat pump of a given brand, it is also important to check that the contractor is an authorized installer of this brand. – emphasizes Artur Czarnik.

Is the heat pump alone enough to heat the whole house in winter?

We have already mentioned the factors to consider when selecting a heat pump. We will dispel the myth that at lower temperatures it should be supported or replaced with an additional heat source, e.g. a heating boiler or an electric heater:

The ground heat pump can independently heat the house all year round, even in severe frosts – in Poland it works efficiently down to -20%. If at such low temperatures it does not reach the set temperatures, it will use electric heaters.

– Remember that the needs and requirements of each client must be considered individually. The most important thing is the selection and design of the devices used so that they can be matched in the most effective way to what we find at the customer’s. So is it a good idea to connect the pump to the boiler? It all depends on what the current heat source is, in what condition it is and whether it will not require replacement in the coming years. If it is a coal-fired boiler, then, depending on the region, we have to replace this type of equipment by 2028, so it will not be a good solution. However, if it is a new gas boiler that works for 2-3 years and has a warranty, we can reduce the pump power and use a hybrid solution, where the gas boiler works in a given temperature range, and the pump works in a given range. Then it will be economically viable. – says the Vosti Energy expert.

Can you cut bills and save with a heat pump?

Taking into account the current gas prices, constantly rising bills, the inability to connect (and even if it is possible, the cost of a gas connection when building a new house), building a chimney, operating costs of e.g. a gas boiler or the cost of investment in a gas boiler, these expenses are comparable to an investment in an air heat pump, which is in the range of 39-60 thousand. zloty.

What is the price of a heat pump with assembly in 2022?

As in the case of photovoltaics, expenses on a heat pump can also be reduced by taking advantage of various subsidy programs. For example, as part of the changes introduced by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, from January 25, 2022, investors in the Clean Air program will be able to receive up to 69,000. PLN of support.

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