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Is it possible to lose weight with turmeric? Here’s what you should do

The curcuma, it’s a spice which has become increasingly popular in recent years. There are those who also call it “Saffron from the Indies”Because of its color. Turmeric in the past was not well known as a spice, however, today, it is widely used for its numerous beneficial properties. On the market, it can usually be bought as a powder with a yellow color. Its yellow color is caused by the high presence of particular substances called curcuminoidi, of the pigments that cause precisely that unmistakable color. Inside the turmeric there is also the curcumin, a substance that has a high antioxidant power capable of preventing the development of free radicals and keeping the skin young, healthy and elastic. But does turmeric lose weight? Within this article we will answer this and other questions.

Beneficial properties of turmeric

Turmeric is a spice rich in vitamins, especially those belonging to group B and also vitamins C, E and K and various mineral salts. Moreover, it brings many beneficial properties to our body:

  • Helps to burn fat: thanks to the presence of curcumin which acts directly on fat cells, thus stimulating the body to burn accumulated fats faster.
  • Supports the liver: facilitates purification, facilitating the elimination of toxins accumulated in the body. One of the many functions of the liver concerns the metabolization of the fats introduced during feeding.
  • Promotes digestion and prevents abdominal bloating: in this way fermentation in the intestine is avoided and the sensation of abdominal swelling is prevented.
  • Avoid blood sugar spikes and a sense of hunger: Yes, the answer to the initial question is that turmeric makes you lose weight because it stimulates the sense of satiety and consequently we eat less. In addition, it does not generate glycemic peaks and is therefore suitable for those suffering from diabetes.
  • Anti-inflammatory action: manages to prevent and treat inflammations of the body, such as those of the digestive system and also of the urinary tract.
  • Helps eliminate excess fluids: turmeric facilitates drainage, so accumulated toxins and waste will be eliminated more easily. Also useful for reducing cellulite.

Use turmeric in the kitchen

In kitchen, turmeric, can be used during the preparation of different recipes such as in soups, sauces, or for the preparation of Golden Milk or it can be used for the preparation of herbal teas and infusions. It can also be prepared at home turmeric oil, composed of extra virgin olive oil and turmeric, left to macerate for a week, and mixed daily.

Recommended quantities

The doses of turmeric should never be exceeded. Since all foods, even if healthy, can cause them contraindications. To take advantage of the slimming effect of turmeric you should ingest no more than 400 mg twice a day, for a maximum of 4 weeks.


It is essential to follow the advice of your doctor or nutritionist before introducing daily doses of turmeric into your diet. If you have never eaten turmeric, be careful because it can be accessed to develop allergic reactions.

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