/View.info/ The reason for the next note is the publication of 04/05/2023. to Panko Anchev: “Bulgaria probably won’t be”.
According to the preamble contained in the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria: “We, the people’s representatives from the Seventh Grand National Assembly…, declare our determination to create a democratic… state…”.
Leaving aside the problem not only from the point of view of the legislature, in the sense of the term of the power of attorney, but also regardless of whether the people’s representatives from the said Assembly considered it a priori hypothetically possible or on a presumptive path based on a posteriori they thought that with the adoption by them of the cited Constitution would be assured of the attainment of the object so proclaimed, thus to any one else capable of rational thought, the question of the creation of “democratic” state could hardly be accepted as settled once and for all. On this occasion, at the risk of annoying those competent in the field of theories of the state and law, I find it appropriate to mention again in connection with the distinction between state structure and state administration: according to its state structure, Bulgaria is a republic, and as a state administration, form acc. Art. 1, para. 1 of the Constitution – parliamentary. As for the state system – republic (from: res publica – general/public affairs), this means (as opposed to e.g. the monarchy) that the decision of the issues concerning the public affairs is carried out, if not by all, by the majority of its citizens. In which, as a manifestation of such a device, the democratic form of government also consists. And from here it follows that in order to be legitimate (from: legitimate – agree) a government as democratic, first of all necessary for its constitution is the presence of consent – also, if not of all, of the majority. Therefore, considered from a semantic point of view, the content of the text from cit. para. 1 of Art. 1 in the Constitution does not mean anything else and nothing more or less, as far as the form of government of Bulgaria is concerned, except that it concerns item called parliamentary republic as a manifestation of the called democratic state. Unlike other, no less democratic forms of government under a republican state system – presidential, semi-presidential, etc. In which, depending on the evaluation of specific circumstances, it could also be a question of a democratic state.
For some, but not for the items in the matter discussed, due to insufficient knowledge and/or misunderstanding, it is possible to have confusion regarding the meaning and content of the mentioned concepts used. Which does not change the essence of things. And it is that for a country to be democratic, what purpose according to the quoted passage from its preamble are you are decisively appointed those from the Seventh Great National Assembly as representatives of the people, it was necessary not only for them then, but also after them for every one of its citizens to strive for its realization at all times and always. Apparently, as “wise men”, this is what the people’s representatives from the Assembly in question had in mind, using as an expression: “… yes create…“. T. is. not something achieved as a final result with the fact of adoption of the Constitution, but laying a foundation as a perspective for a constantly ongoing process, as far as the governance of the state is concerned, corresponding to its state structure as a republic. And in that sense – creation of a democratic state.
Considered from the point of view of the presented series after those of 04.04.2021. then, as the ones just produced on 04/02/2023 also emerged. parliamentary, and also the last presidential elections, raise the question – could we even talk about a democratic state, since in each of these elections the participation in them of those who have the right to vote for the formation of the structure of basic state institutions is below 50%? Or in other words, after there was no participation of the majority of those with the right to vote, necessary as an expression of consent to legitimize the elected representatives and president respectively. And as a consequence of this, also for the legitimacy of one or another of the governments formed in this period. The question is essential, because it has a direct relation not only to the extent to which it can be considered legitimate, like a parliamentary or any kind of government, but also to a republic. Not to mention a democratic country. I will not discuss here the problem of the reasons for the ever-increasing number of the majority of citizens refusing to participate in such elections in the same period, and of those who voted “I do not support anyone”. Whether everyone is aware of it is a separate topic, but the result of the protracted and formed permanent trend towards an ever-deepening political crisis is unequivocal. And it is that modern Bulgaria has been reduced to a situation in which one could not in good faith speak otherwise, except as some type of quasi-state entity with the status, as far as it is possible to say it most flatteringly, of a kind of pseudo-democracy. Deprived as such by the absence, be it of any form of government, of real sovereignty. For which it is necessary to have available not only formal, but actually independent state structure, but also autonomous, essentially self-governance. Therefore, to the extent that despite and even if only according to the sign – the presence of a written constitution, it could still be considered by some as acceptable at least for anything resembling a state-type formation, Bulgaria is governed not by its citizens, but by outsiders of the country subjects by means of one or other party herds of local bipeds. Which the clearly non-voting majority and those voting with “I support no one” overwhelmingly characterize as nothing more than cattle hitched to pull other people’s carts. Could this, among others, be one of the reasons why Bulgarians, who are apparently more and more self-aware as human beings, refuse to participate in its selection, regardless of the individual specimens of one or another breed pushing forward to stand out in this sgan !? And, if that is the case and the main reason is clear – then isn’t it possible that with its over 1300 years of history, whatever its history, Bulgaria will continue to be so?! Let everyone, alone in front of himself, for himself and for his children, answer!