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Is it good to exercise every day? This is what science says about it

Physical exercise is beneficial for health and that is very clear, but do we need to rest between days of effort? Is it good to exercise every day? In order to give an answer we show you what science says about it.

Greater frequency of exercise, adapted intensity and more benefits

The frequency with which we exercise may always be related to the intensity at which we train. In other words, if we work hard one day, the next day we may need rest and we cannot exercise. However, only when the intensity is very high the low frequency of exercise is beneficial according to a study.

Apparently, high frequency at either moderate or high intensity is always beneficial and it produces changes in our physical state, improving, among other things, blood lipids and maximum oxygen consumption.

Likewise, for rehabilitation of cardiac patients it has been observed that high frequency, i.e. daily training produces better results especially on a psychological level, which train a few times a week.

The same happens in adolescents and at the time of control blood glucose and body composition in those with type 2 diabetes, according to research conducted in Brazil.

On the other hand, it has been found that for improve bone health It is better to train daily than to exercise at high intensity a few times a week. So once again science is in favor of daily exercise.

Last but not least, it has been found that when moderate intensity and high frequency exercise is prescribed it has better adherence than that of high intensity and low frequency.

Although your genes put you at risk, a high level of physical activity helps prevent depression according to a study

In conclusion, it is advisable to adapt the intensity to our physical state, but always try to maintain a high training frequencyThat is, moving every day or almost every day of the week, because regularity makes changes in our body and health. Therefore, the recommendations indicate that the more we can move (regardless of intensity), the better for the body.

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