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Is it difficult to teach medicine online? The teacher shares his experience

Mexico City.- In this return to classes, teachers and students face a new way of giving and receiving classes with the incorporation of platforms, tools that difficult to use for many teachers.

This is the case of the teacher who was about to cry and went viral for the support he received from his students at that time he was teaching a virtual class, a fact that was recorded on video.

“Your class is very interesting and very beautiful”, Responded one of the 24 students who was taking a class on “Introduction to Surgical Technique” with the doctor and professor Alfonso Huitrón, in Cancun, after encountering problems transmitting a video where he explained how to perform a surgical scrub.

“I had prepared, with the help of some fellow nurses from the hospital (where she works), a video for the practice. In my class, students learn about natural instruments and procedures within an operating room. It is a practical subject”, Said in an interview for EL UNIVERSAL, the general surgeon, Gustavo Alfonso III Huitrón Aguilar.

The professor of Medicine at the Anáhuac University of Cancun, at the International School of Medicine, mentions that internet platforms are new for many professors like him, “we are from the era of vinyl records,” he says with a laugh. “You feel a cultural and technological shock”.

“I try to find the right videos to teach, but it is not easy to find one that has no errors. I decided to record one with the help of my hospital nurses and it turned out very well, I saw it on my screen, but when I shared it my students did not see it. I felt great frustration. I felt that I had lost the opportunity to teach that class, ”says the doctor about the moment of the video that went viral.

The video replaces what was a practical class, which would take at least an hour and a half of explanation and which this time is reduced to a few minutes of explanation. A reality that today is increasingly common among teachers who must face the search for a way (especially in Medicine) to have the resources to explain beyond theory.

The procedure I was going to teach was how to make a surgical scrub. “In practice I have to do one and they repeat it several times, because it is mechanical training. We, as doctors, must do it automatically so as not to contaminate critical areas, “he says. He currently teaches four and a half hours a week, although I would like it to be more. “There is a lot to do,” says the 61-year-old doctor, saying that he is fortunate to have the students he has.

He began as an adjunct professor at the Universidad Panamericana in 1987, before finishing his degree, teaching some subjects such as Nutrition and Biomedical Engineering. From undergraduate to graduate for specialists in general surgery. He has lived in Cancun for 13 years. and three years ago he returned to teaching. His main activity is as a general surgeon.

Faced with the problem of the use of new technologies, the professor tells his contemporaries: “We are surgeons and we have to face complex cases. Being committed to an activity forces us to solve the problem. Far from being a great difficulty for my generation ”. , having to using platforms is something to solve. It is not the first time that we have to do wonders for a group (of students), ”he says firmly.

He also comments that he was fortunate to have very good teachers “I think that’s what drives me (to give a class well). At that time I felt so little accomplished because I couldn’t teach it like I’m used to but I think we have to adapt. He who does not acclimatize will ‘acclimate’. We have to start doing it ”, he concludes.

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