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Is it conjunctivitis or Coronavirus? Here’s how to recognize the symptoms

The eyes they can represent a window of entry and exit of bacteria and viruses and, potentially, also the target of Covid19 through conjunctivitis.

The risk is that the eyes can become, through the secretions produced, a vehicle of contagion. However, conjunctivitis has many forms including bacterial, viral, allergic or even mixed.

I symptoms most common include redness, burning, photophobia, discharge, itching and swelling of the eyelid, as well as watery secretions and increased tearing. Precisely in reference to this last symptom it is important to clarify, as the Doctor explains Claudio Savaresi, Head of the Ophthalmology Unit of the San Marco Polyclinic – Zingonia (BG): “Especially during lock-down and smart working, many have complained of eye disorders resulting from dyslascrimia, i.e. excessive tear evaporation, due to prolonged use of computers, smartphones and even TVs.”.

Studies show, in fact, a correlation between this disorder and exposure to blue light. It interferes with proper ocular lubrication. Lower temperatures and exposure to wind can also cause discomfort. To be able to distinguish conjunctivitis that does not have traits attributable to Covid, from the viral one which, on the other hand, can arouse more suspicion, we need to pay attention to some alarm bells. First of all, it is necessary to check the symptoms.

The bacterial form has yellowish secretions. Instead in the seasonal one there are emissions of white secretions accompanied by itching. “In the viral form the eye is redder and is accompanied by the sensation of having a foreign body inside, as well as profuse tearing and a fluid and watery secretion. Early diagnosis is therefore essential”Underlines the expert. “The eye examination is necessary to provide the patient with the appropriate therapy in a timely and targeted manner. One of the risks is, in fact, to see the complication of the ocular clinical picture in the event that there is not the right intervention and, even, infectious overlaps”.

The prevention is crucial. “Eye hygiene is the first step“: Suggests Dr. Savaresi. In fact, it is advisable to carefully remove make-up at the end of the day. Also avoid touching the eyes with dirty hands. Maximum attention also towards the sun. To protect our eyes during exposure to sunlight, we must wear suitable glasses with protective filters.

It is also important to follow a diet rich in vitamins A and C and Omega 3 and 6.ocular hydration it is vitally important. It is implemented both by drinking a lot of water and in the local use of eye drops. Not to be forgotten absolutely is the rest. When working it is essential to look away from the PC and perform small exercises, such as looking up to the right and up to the left and blinking. This is the only way to promote humidification and counteract dry eyes.

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