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Is it Barù’s fault? / Manila accuses him, he does not deny …

It’s a hunt for the culprit Big Brother Vip after that Manila Nazzaroas he entered the confessional, he noticed the stench: the last one to enter it had been Barù, so the accusations have fallen on him. “No guys, it didn’t stink at all before. Now it stinks as hell! “, said the TV host. The latter had been called by the production to expose their findings on what is happening in the house in these hours, but she was forced to refuse to enter the offending room.

Barùduring the previous confessional, as reported by Novella 2000in fact, he would have indulged in a few too many flatulence, making the room so dirty that the poor Manila Nazzaro he struggled to stay in there for a long time, communicating the discomfort even to the roommates, in the general amusement. In fact, it was the ex who got the worst of it Miss Italywhile the others took the matter with a smile.

It stinks in the confessional of the Gf Vip: Barù’s fault? His reaction

However, there does not seem to be much doubt that the blame for the stench in the confessional of the Big Brother Vip both of Barù. The person concerned, after the accusations addressed to him by Manila Nazzaro, in fact, he did not deny. The grandson of Costantino della Gherardescarather, he witnessed the roommate’s outburst from afar: he stayed in the kitchen and started laughing under his breath. A sign that his flatulence seems to have caused the bad smell in the small room of the house.

It is not the first time, on the other hand, that Barù annoys the roommates with his ways. In particular, in the past few hours, there has been talk of her relationship with Jessica Selassiè. The Ethiopian princess seems quite taken by him, but he does not completely reciprocate her sentiment. Who knows what girl can not change her mind after the latest from the confessional.


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