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Is having Corona twice a cause for concern? … Know the answer

After the world recorded a number of cases of re-infection with the Coronavirus again after recovery, a lot of anxiety and fear for those recovering from their renewed infection, and according to reports, the first case of a man from Nevada was recorded. Covid-19 Twice, the second time was worse.

The patient entered the Community Testing Station in Washoe County, Nevada, USA on April 18 with a sore throat, dry cough, and headache, but nothing to worry about..

Corona Anxiety

He was only 25 years old, had no pre-existing medical conditions, and despite that nasal swab test PCR For Covid-19 Who got it came back positive, but soon he was feeling better again.

After 35 days, he was transferred to the accident and emergency room, suffering from shortness of breath and a high fever, and placed on an oxygen stent, thus becoming the first confirmed case in the United States of reinfection with Covid-19.

So far there have been only a handful of similar cases around the world, and experts say it’s too early to draw comprehensive conclusions from this tiny number..

But The possibility of reinfection with Covid-19 – The disease increased the second time It could have a major impact on how governments chart an exit path from the pandemic, according to a newspaper report. SCMP“Chinese.

In particular, re-infection may make the idea of ​​herd immunity – that is, a sufficiently high proportion of people eventually become immune to Covid-19 – unrealistic.

“Re-infections mean that the immune response in some people is not sufficient to protect them from infection or disease,” said Akiko Iwasaki, professor of immune biology, molecular, cellular, and developmental biology at Yale University.“.

“Re-infection from -CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19) means that immunity acquired through natural infection is not ideal,” he added.

The researchers who documented the case of a Nevada patient provided a number of possible explanations for how he became ill twice, perhaps he was exposed to a very high dose of the virus the second time, which led to a more severe reaction, or it may be a more virulent strain of the virus..

The study, published this week in the journal, reported The Lancet Infectious Diseases There is currently little evidence that infection is present, said Frederick Altari, director of immunology at the Inserm Research Center for Oncology and Immunology in Nantes-Angers. Covid-19 It will be renewed.

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