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Is French democracy in danger on account of Macron’s election gamble? – BBC Information Arabic

Touch upon the image, French President Emmanuel Macron shocked France when he known as elections earlier this month

Two neighboring nations are approaching surprising elections, and each nations have governments which can be anticipated to fall.

At this level, all makes an attempt to match British and French elections should cease. As a result of no matter points are at stake within the UK election – and there are a lot of – they pale compared to what’s in France.

In France, not solely the federal government or the president involves life on the horizon, but additionally the political system.

The hazards should not in disillusioned hopes and damaged careers, as is the case in a peacefully functioning democracy, however in violence.

#French #democracy #danger #end result #Macrons #election #gamble #BBC #Information #Arabic
2024-06-26 20:32:02

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