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Is Fat the Hateful Sinner?Nutritionist: 9 Major Functions of Fat, Choosing the Right Fat Matters Most |

“Nutritionist, my skin is getting drier!”, “Nutritionist, I ate a lot of food, but it’s still hard to defecate!” Indeed, these seemingly ordinary problems may be inseparable from fat!

When the audience asks questions, the nutritionist will start answering questions to gather information, but during the chat process, he often hears feedback from the audience: “I eat very lightly!”, “I almost don’t use oil in cooking!” You can probably hear how awful fat is in the public eye, but is that really the case?

Image source: means nutritionist Youhua

Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid! Let us first understand the function of fat

1. Maintaining body temperature: especially in winter, keeping warm is even more important!

2. Protect internal organs: as a buffer to avoid shock.

3. Contribute to the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, K): less fat will greatly affect the absorption.

4. Producing hormones in the body: This is why some people may experience hormonal imbalances after a long-term fat-free diet.

5. Produce vitamin D.

6. Manufacturing of bile acid.

7. Provide essential fatty acids: Fatty acids that cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained through food. If they are missing, they will affect the metabolism in the body.

8. Maintain the functioning of the nervous system.

9. Maintain functioning of the skin system.

Choose the right fat instead of eating fat free

In our daily diet, we can ingest three main nutrients, which are carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. In terms of biochemical metabolism in the body, in fact, when the three main nutrients exceed the body’s needs, they can be converted into fat storage!

Good fat helps maintain bodily functions from the front of the body, so choosing the right type and getting the right amount is key! It is recommended to choose unsaturated fatty acids instead of saturated fatty acids.

Is fat the hateful sinner? Nutritionist: 9 main functions of fat, choosing the right fat matters most

Pay attention to fat accumulation here!

Where’s the fat? And what kind of content should be especially concerned about!

Nothing but internal organs! Normal physiological functions help protect the organs, but if the body composition is found to exceed the standard, the organs may be covered in fat at this time and affect the physiological functions. For example: fatty liver becomes fatty liver in the liver, and if it continues to accumulate for a long time, it can lead to inflammation of the liver or even liver cirrhosis or liver cancer!

So, in addition to paying attention to your numbers on the scale, don’t ignore body fat and visceral fat!

Is fat the hateful sinner? Nutritionist: 9 main functions of fat, choosing the right fat matters most

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