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Is Fahri Hamzah alluding to the minister using the state budget who wants to be vice president?


Vice-president of the Gelora Party Fahri Hamzah alluded to a minister who used the state budget to become vice president in 2024. Who is he?

This was stated by Fahri in the Perspective Adu Perspective Contest that was broadcast detik.com collaborate with Total politicsWednesday (9/11/2022).

“There are those who raise money who want to be vice presidents, use power everywhere,” Fahri said.

He said the official also used the state budget. Photos of these officials, Fahri explained, were displayed everywhere.

“Put his public official photo everywhere, using the state budget because he wants to be vice president, ‘yes, the possibility is I’m just vice president.’ Hidden in the suburbs,” Fahri said.

According to Fahri, this is cowardice. For Fahri, the minister he meant did not contribute his thoughts to Indonesia.

“All of this generates cowardice. These leaders are aji while, ‘what is important is me’, they have no thought, ‘what is important is me,'” Fahri added.

“Who uses the state budget?” asked Adu Perspektif’s presenter, Budi Adiputro.

Eventually Fahri appointed a minister. He mentioned SOE Minister Erick Thohir.

“There he is, the minister of SOEs (Erick Thohir),” Fahri said, laughing.

(isa / aud)

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