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Is Djokovic’s certificate forged with …

Doubts about Novak Djokovic’s claims that he is entitled to a medical exemption from vaccination due to Covid-19 have grown even more despite the decision of the Australian court to allow him to stay in the country.

The German Der Spiegel reported several strange discrepancies in the documents that the lawyers of the 34-year-old Serb presented to the court, quoted by “Boulevard Bulgaria”.

They submitted paper copies of the documents certifying a positive PCR test for Covid-19 on December 16 and a negative result on December 22 – ie. Djokovic should have been infected and cleared of the coronavirus within six days.

However, Spiegel questions this chronology because of three discrepancies by collaborating in the investigation with experts from the Zerforschung IT group.

First, they found that the initial positive test should have been entered not on December 16, but on December 26, at 2:21 p.m.

They identify the discrepancy through the link that the QR code of the positive sample document generates.

Part of it is a series of digits that represent the date and time of registration of the result – converted into Unix code with ten characters. The timecode can be converted back, and when this is done, it can be seen that the Djokovic test was introduced on December 26, 2021, at 13:21:20 GMT.

The time code is generated automatically by the system for entering test results and usually takes a few minutes after entering the data to be reported. It is not clear how the 10-day difference between the day Djokovic claims to have tested for Covid-19 and the day the system reported it came together.

Checking the second test with a negative result shows that it really is entered in the system on the afternoon of December 22.

Spiegel reporters noticed something else strange – on Monday (January 10, 2022) at 13:19 they checked the QR code from the document for the positive test for Djokovic’s Covid-19, submitted by lawyers in Australia. The investigation leads to a page on the website of the Serbian Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanovic Trampoline”, but the result shows “Negative” and not “Positive”.

About an hour later, journalists scanned the QR code again and saw that the same reference number was already showing “Positive”.

The third discrepancy in Novak Djokovic’s documents is in the next issue of his tests. The Serbian system for recording data on Covid samples issues a serial identification number – in the case of Djokovic, his positive test is placed under No. 7371999-259039.

His next test, which should have been done 6 days later, is numbered 7320919-259039 – ie the second number is with 51 080 less than the first.

Zerforschung says that the system should generate numbers according to the sequence of research performed – ie. the December 22 test should not be less than the December 16 test.

Between December 16th and 22nd, a total of 75,000 Covid-19 studies were conducted in Serbia, and the numerical difference between the IDs of Djokovic’s two studies is smaller. However, between December 22 and December 26, approximately 50,000 tests were taken, which is closer to the difference between the serial numbers in the tennis player’s documents. That is, this is another potential clue to the assumption that the “positive” test was not taken on December 16, but much later.

Spiegel asks a few questions – is it possible that the positive test was done later than Novak Djokovic claims? Has any other manipulation of the study been done? And how can it be explained that the digital version of the same QR code gave two opposite results in the same day. Neither the Serbian authorities nor Djokovic’s team responded to Spiegel’s inquiries.


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