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Is diplomacy dead? Modern technologies do not allow for informal agreements and skillful moves Home

PRAGUE but also a bet diplomat has been a traveler since time immemorial. And so schzky tv in tv. The diplomat used to live on the road, part of their craft. Only the coronavirus pandemic has stifled classical diplomacy, greatly undermining its premise: personal contact. One move in anti-epidemic measures to a virtual environment could not replace him.

Even politicians have limited their foreign travel to the bare minimum, which has been reflected in the interior of their annual entry. You can be very complex. Last year we did not cancel the bottom of the road, it moved to summer. However, Rudolf Jindrk, the director of the foreign department of Prague Castle, said Lidovkm.cz, was not at all sure when the road and the new construction would take place.

President Milo Zeman is in full swing this year to move to Italy and Bulgaria. The terms depend on the state of the epidemic. And so, at the speed of the shackles, not only of the politicians involved, the overwhelming majority of staff will fall into the column of the population. Zeman’s participation in the NATO summit is also planned for this year, and discussions are now taking place around the meeting of the President of the Visegrad countries (R, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary). The current presiding country, Poland, wants to hold the summit in Norway.


■ President



meeting president of member countries visegrdsk tyky

summit NATO

summit with accession countries 17 + 1

■ Prime Minister

at the EU in Brussels

Asia-Europe Meeting

Expo 2020 in Dubai


■ Minister of Foreign Affairs

at the EU in Brussels


Near the entrance

jihovchodn Asia

Tunisia, Mali

Expo 2020 in Dubai

■ Speaker of the House

Austria, Lichtentejnsko, Poland, vcarsko, Berlin, Saxony, Slovakia

■ Feel free

so far it does nothing

This year, Prime Minister Andrej Babie (YES) is expecting a foreign mission abroad in the European Union in Brussels, so it is a business mission to Vietnam. Foreign Minister Tom Petek (SSD) made trips to Canada, Southeast Asia, the Blzk entrance and thus to Tunisia and Mali. He intended to provide priority vaccination vaccination for diplomats who are to go on missions this year. However, according to the diplomatic source Lidovek.cz, the minister’s mind will be embarrassed.

What about uetenmi pensions?

The pandemic not only disrupted the full invasion and mission, but also marked the form of the diplomatic negotiations themselves, moving them to an unobtrusive online environment. They are characterized by caution. What is foamed, as if it always were. The hunter has to be very careful, he can’t tell and in particular he doesn’t want to take risks or he never knows who is listening to everything, said Lidovkm.cz Cyril Svoboda, a former foreign minister and founder of the Diplomatic Academy.

According to him, a video call can overcome the consequences associated with restricted movement, but it cannot fully replace diplomacy. Its usual part is that the partners on the margins somewhere informally agree together and thus move in the right direction. Do not wash this modern technology in any way, said Svoboda. The skewed debates (and agreements) thus have a hard time, because of which they know the suffering of bilateral relations.

If most diplomats want to return to the traditional practices of the time of the pedicides, changes will never be avoided. The pandemic revealed that you could read the time and pension. Only for the non-implementation abroad of the journey of domestic politicians err saved millions of crowns, which will be transferred to the budget in the coming years. Radek Vondrek (YES) of the lower parliamentary chamber said that the pensions could also be used for funding events connected with the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU in the second half of 2022.

Minister of Food

Svoboda did not rule out the pressure to limit foreign travel either, he also considers so-called tweet diplomacy to be the rock of the online world. It’s a diplomacy of memory, because tweets are often fast and abbreviated, passworded. It’s just for the moment. Diplomacy bag needs washed out memoranda and attitudes, which are formulated long-term, said exf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Tweet diplomacy was made famous by the incumbent US President Donald Trump, who socially blocked him permanently, according to Twitter, Trump used him to encourage violence.

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