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Is Deunov in Fatima’s third prophecy?

  • 105 years of the greatest miracle in the world
  • Three Bulgarian traces in the prophecies of the Mother of God in front of the three Portuguese children

105 years separate us from one of the greatest miracles in the world, in which the Mother of God appears to three shepherd children, and the predictions she makes before them today remain mysteries on the planet, which everyone interprets differently.

Fatima is a small town in central Portugal, where for centuries the place where the locals made a living by raising sheep has been forgotten by the gods. Until May 13, 1917, when three cousins ​​- Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco Marto – gasped home to tell their parents the amazing story of how they saw the Virgin Mary herself. described by them as “a lady dressed in white, brighter than the sun.”

Something more –

Lucia saw the radiant Mother of God

he’s talking to her. Jacinta confirms that he overheard a conversation.

According to the little girl, the Mother of God asked the children not to return to the same place on the 13th of next month, promising to find out who she was. She also told them that she would appear every month until October 13, 1917.

The rumor gathers up to 70,000 worshipers in the area over the next 6 months, but all they see is a glowing cloud over the trees. The Mother of God appears and talks only with the three children.

On August 13, he prophesied to them what became known as the three prophecies of Fatima. And on October 13, the vast crowd saw the sun shining strangely behind the rain curtain, then spinning like fireworks around its axis and scattering sparks in all the colors of the rainbow. After the heavenly show, the Mother of God announced to the three children that she was appearing for the last time.

Two of them, Francisco and Jacinta, died shortly after the visions, as predicted. Their deaths were accompanied by a mysterious radiance.

Lucia spends her life as a nun. Two of the secrets she revealed in 1941. at the request of a Portuguese bishop. But when he asked her to publish the third prophecy, she replied that “she is not convinced that God allows her to reveal it.” He still managed to convince her, but she sealed it in an envelope and asked him not to open it until 1960, when “it will be clear”.

Instead of revealing its contents on the sacred date, however, the world is shocked by Freddie Mercury’s unearthly show. And the veil of secrecy was lifted only four decades later by Pope John Paul II in 2000. Although the Vatican denies it, many eyewitnesses say he did not tell the whole truth.

The first secret: a vision of Hell

The first secret was about hell. Lucia writes that the Mother of God showed the children what hell is, full of the sufferings experienced by the souls who are there. The vision lasted only a second, but the children said the experience was almost unbearable.

The Virgin Mary shows us a huge sea of ​​fire that seems to be under the Earth. In this fire are immersed demons and spirits in human form, like transparent burning coals, all blackened or shining like bronze, floating in the fire, which they rise into the air through flames coming out of them, huge clouds of smoke and then descend like sparks into a huge flame, without any weight or balance.They emit cruel screams and moans of pain and hopelessness that terrify and frighten us and drive us to tremble with fear.Demons can be described by a terrifying and repulsive resemblance to scary unknown animals, targets in black and transparent.This vision lasted for a short time.How can we thank our dear Divine Mother who has already prepared and promised us with his first appearance was to take us to heaven. Otherwise, I think we would have died of fear and terror. “

The second secret: A new war is coming

The second secret was a prediction that the First World War would soon be over, but that another war would begin in the time of Pope Pius XI if people continued to disrespect God and if Russia was not dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary:

Hell is where the souls of sinners go. To save them, the Lord wants the world to surrender to my spotless (merciful) heart. If what I tell you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war will end: but if people do not stop disrespecting God, another worse war will happen during the reign of Pope Pius XI When you see the night illuminated by unseen light, know that this is the supreme sign that the Lord gives you that he will punish the world for his crimes, in the face of wars, famine, and persecution of the church and the Lord. compensation on the first Saturdays If my request is taken into account and granted, Russia will be rebuilt (converted) and there will be peace, if not – Russia will spread its mistakes around the world, causing wars and persecution of the church. will be a martyr, God will be very old advice; different nations will be destroyed (exterminated). In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. God will dedicate Russia to me and it will have to be rebuilt (converted to another faith) and a time of world peace will be given. “

Third prophecy: assassination attempt on the pope?

It is said that this prediction is known only to three people. The late Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger – Pope Benedict XV and Sister Lucia dos Santos. Since Sister Lucia died in February 2005, only Pope Benedict XV is the living bearer of the knowledge of the third prophecy. He resigned from the Holy See due to old age on February 28, 2013.

A coincidence of dates gave the impression that the order was an assassination attempt on the Pope. On May 13, 1981, Ali Agca was assassinated. Agca claimed to have fired at the Holy Father to fulfill the third prophecy. However, at this moment, the Pope bends down to kiss a girl with a medallion depicting the Blessed Virgin of Fatima, and this saves his life. He later donated the bullet from the assassination of the chapel, built on the site where the Virgin Mary appeared to the three shepherds.

There are dozens of speculations about the prophecy. The popular newspaper Bild wrote that the Virgin of Fatima predicted the attacks in New York and Washington in the third order. In 1963, Louis Emmerich published a text in the New Europe about the future of the Catholic Church and the satanic breakthrough at its highest levels.

In his book, The Truth about Fatima’s Secret, Helmut Hoffman claims that diplomats from Washington, Moscow and London are familiar with it.

Three Bulgarian traces in the third prophecy

The first is related to the assassination of John Paul II and the connection of the State Security with the terrorists from the Gray Wolves. The second clue is positive. According to some of our researchers and avid esotericists, it is associated with having the most ancient knowledge about the world. According to the prophecy, it was in our lands. And it said that a small Slavic people would hand it over to their larger brotherly Slavic people and that would change the world.

The third is the most curious. It was presented exactly 100 years after the first appearance of the Mother of God to the children by the famous physicist and researcher Prof. Zhivko Zhelev during a lecture on “Bulgarians 100 years after the prophecy of Fatima”, organized by Portal 12.

According to him, “the prophecy speaks of the prophet in White, who leads his disciples to the Mountain.”

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