Home » today » Sport » Is Cristiano Ronaldo’s relationship with Georgina Rodriguez in trouble? Portuguese media speculates about a possible crisis

Is Cristiano Ronaldo’s relationship with Georgina Rodriguez in trouble? Portuguese media speculates about a possible crisis

Apparently, the former player of the Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo and his partner and mother of his children, Georgina Rodriguezthey are going through a beautiful stage in their love relationship -or that is what it seems on social networks and the documentary’I’m Georgina‘ that the Spanish has just starred in.

A relationship surrounded by love and a lot of luxury: a new residence in Saudi Arabia, surprises and celebrations in the ‘Empire States‘, private jets, yachts… Maybe luxury is so much that it takes up all the space for love?

This is what the media suspect, which has once again put the focus on or on the possible bad relationship between the two. And this time the information comes from Portugal.

This was the luxurious birthday of Georgina Rodríguez

On this occasion, the program Noite das Estrelas on the Portuguese channel CMTV has taken up the topic of the crisis. Program collaborators have pointed out that the behavior of Ronaldo It seems to show that his personal life is not going through a good moment and that, in addition, he is away from his family.

One of the best-known television collaborators in the neighboring country, Quintino Aires explained that “Ronaldo’s latest behaviors show two things: first, that his personal life does not live a moment of happiness; and second, that the more he gets away from his mother, Dolores Aveiro, it is less temperate And we all know why he’s getting further and further away from his family,” referring to Georgina as the main culprit.

“He does nothing but spend, spend and spend”

On the other hand, Daniel Nacimientowho also participates in the documentary ‘I’m Georgina‘ He explains that his behavior is not to the footballer’s liking “Georgina spends the day stuck in a shopping center in Riyadh and that is one of the reasons why Cristiano is starting to find this story not funny. In the series he does nothing but spend, spend and spendand the worst of all is that it is believed that he is at the level of Cristiano. She is putting herself on a pedestal by herself and he is not liking it at all“.

Cristiano Ronaldo is speechless before the luxurious gift of Georgina Rodríguez for Christmas

For its part, the Portuguese gossip magazine TV Guia has also pointed to a possible crisis between the couple, assuring that a unbridgeable gap between Georgina and her mother-in-law.

However, Filipa Castro, Close to the footballer, she has come out in defense of the couple in Manhã CM, assuring that “they are doing very well and are being advised”.

2023-04-24 08:34:13
#Cristiano #Ronaldo #Georgina #crisis #spend #spend #spend

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