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Is coronavirus curfew at risk? What is prohibited in Germany


Corona crisis

Corona virus: What is now prohibited in Germany

Further measures against the corona virus: On Monday, the federal and state governments agreed new guidelines for a uniform approach.

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Experts raise corona risk in Germany to “high”

So far, the experts at the Robert Koch Institute have classified the health risk for the German population as “moderate” due to the novel corona virus, but in view of the increasing number of cases, the researchers are changing their assessment.

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  • The corona virus continues to spread – the federal and state governments are therefore expanding their measures to at least slow the spread of the virus
  • After schools and kindergartens, numerous other facilities and shops have to close their doors – with the exception of grocery stores, among others
  • There is no curfew for the time being – but would be conceivable
  • The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) now assesses the risk posed by the corona virus to the health of the population in Germany as “high”
  • German hospitals expect the number of their corona patients to triple by the end of the week: According to estimates, up to 1,500 people would have to be treated in hospitals

The federal government and heads of government of the federal states agreed on Monday to take extensive measures to prevent the spread of the Corona virus to proceed in Germany.

Corona virus: No curfew – if everyone follows the rules

Meanwhile, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) assesses the risk posed by the corona virus to the health of the population in Germany as “high”. So far, the RKI had spoken of a “moderate” threat in Germany. There is currently no curfew like in Spain, France, Italy or Austria.

At least not if everyone adheres to the rules. “If people now stick to what we now ask them to do, that public life is largely restricted except for going to work, then I think we can avoid it,” said the North Rhine Westphalian Minister of Health Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU). And further: “I hope we don’t need it.”

We document which stores and shops have to close – and which don’t.

In a joint announcement they call Heads of government especially these four areas.

1. Shops and stores

Expressly NOT
closed will the retail trade for food, weekly markets, pick-up and delivery services, beverage markets, pharmacies, medical supply stores, drugstores, petrol stations, banks and savings banks, post offices, hairdressers, dry cleaners, laundromats, newspaper sales, construction, horticultural and pet supplies markets and wholesale.

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Rather, for these areas Sunday sales bans be suspended until further notice. The opening of these facilities is subject to hygiene, control of access and the avoidance of queues. Service providers and craftspeople can continue to work. All healthcare facilities remain open, taking into account the increased hygienic requirements.

2. Culture, sport and leisure

For the Public traffic are to be closed

  • Bars, clubs, discotheques, pubs and similar establishments
  • Theaters, operas, concert halls, museums and similar establishments
  • Trade fairs, exhibitions, cinemas, amusement and animal parks and providers of leisure activities (indoors and outdoors), special markets, amusement arcades, casinos, betting shops and similar facilities
  • Prostitution centers, brothels and similar establishments
  • sports on and in all public and private sports facilities, swimming pools and fun pools, gyms and similar facilities
  • sports on and in all public and private sports facilities, swimming pools and fun pools, gyms and similar facilities
  • all other retail outlets not mentioned elsewhere in this document, in particular outlet centers – playgrounds.

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3. Meetings and events

The federal and state governments are to ban them

  • Meetings in Unite and other sports and leisure facilities as well as the use of offers in adult education centers, music schools and other public and private educational institutions outside of school as well as travel by coach
  • Meetings in churches, mosques, synagogues and the gatherings of other faith communities.

4. Institutions such as hospitals, nursing homes and universities

According to the notification:

  • Visitation regulations for hospitals, preventive and rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes and special forms of living within the meaning of SGB IX as well as similar facilities to limit the visit (for example, visit once a day, for an hour, but not for children under 16 years, not for visitors with respiratory infections, etc.)
  • In the above-mentioned institutions as well as in universities, schools and kindergartens, as long as their operation is not stopped altogether, a general entry ban for people who have been in risk areas abroad or particularly affected regions in Germany according to the RKI classification in the last 14 days
  • Requirements for cafeterias, restaurants, restaurants and hotels to minimize the risk of spreading the Corona virus, for example by regulating the distance between tables, regulating the number of visitors, hygiene measures and instructions
  • Regulations that accommodation offers in Germany can only be used for necessary and expressly not for tourist purposes
  • Regulations stipulating that restaurants and restaurants are generally open from 6 a.m. at the earliest and must be closed from 6 p.m. at the latest.

When do the provisions apply?

The decision lies with the federal states. The North Rhine-Westphalian state government wants to advise about further drastic restrictions on Tuesday. The Düsseldorf State Chancellery confirmed that the decisions would then be implemented.

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In Brandenburg, too, the cabinet advises on Tuesday on a legal ordinance that will then apply from Wednesday.


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