In most homes, one of the first morning rituals is to make a cup of coffee. Not only is it a drink that helps awaken the senses, but some studies suggest it could have long-term benefits.
According to a 2017 investigation led by the World Health Organization (WHO), consume three or more cups of coffee a day could reduce premature mortality by 18% in men and 8% in women, especially in cardiovascular and digestive diseases. However, this drink also has an impact on the digestive system which is important to know.
What effects does coffee have on the digestive system?
Julyssa Try itspecialist in Digestive System Polyclinic Gipuzkoaexplains that “The digestive system is the first to deal with coffee.. When ingested, it can cause an increase in gastric secretion and a relaxation in the sphincter that connects the esophagus to the stomach.” This can be problematic for those who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux, since this relaxation facilitates the passage of stomach acids into the esophagus, causing that annoying sensation of heartburn or burning.
Julyssa Cobian, specialist in digestive system of Policlínica Gipuzkoa
According to Dr. Cobian, coffee can also increase bowel movementwhich can be beneficial for those who suffer from constipation, but is counterproductive in patients with diarrhea or irritable bowel syndromeas it can aggravate your symptoms. In addition, coffee consumption influences the intestinal microbiota, increasing beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. “It has been observed that moderate coffee consumption can stimulate these bacteria, which benefits intestinal health in general,” comments the doctor.
Consumption that increases with age
Coffee consumption is common in a large part of the population, especially among older people. Julyssa Cobian mentions that “nine out of ten people between 45 and 55 years old consume coffee regularlywhile in people under 35 years of age, three out of four drink it daily.” With age, coffee consumption tends to increase gradually, although for some the drink may cause more digestive discomfort as the years go by.
How to consume coffee to minimize its effects
So what is the recommended amount? Dr. Cobian suggests a consumption of up to 3 or 4 cups a daywhich is equivalent to about 300-400 mg of caffeine. However, it clarifies that coffee tolerance is highly variable, and each person should adjust consumption based on their symptoms and individual sensitivity.
For those who suffer from digestive problems, he recommends alternatives such as reducing the daily amount, opting for decaffeinated coffee or adding milk or vegetable drinks, as they can neutralize the acidity of the coffee. Even some cold preparations tend to be better tolerated. “For those who cannot tolerate caffeine, there are cereal coffees that simulate the flavor without containing caffeine,” says Cobian.
Celiac disease and coffee: aspects to consider
A less known topic is the relationship between coffee and celiac disease. Although Coffee in its natural state does not contain glutenthe doctor warns about the importance of reviewing the added ingredients that may be present in some commercial presentationsas they could contain gluten. The specialist explains that it is important to diagnose celiac disease in time since it is essential that the labeling indicates ‘gluten-free’ to avoid health problems. In addition to improving the patient’s quality of life and preventing future complications, “Continuous exposure to gluten can cause serious damage to the intestine,” explains Cobian.
Furthermore, the specialist points out that, for those diagnosed with celiac disease, it is essential to take measures to avoid cross contamination and adopt cooking habits at home. “Becoming familiar with new ingredients and preparing food at home helps control the disease,” he advises.
Is coffee a friend or an enemy of digestion?
Coffee is neither completely good nor completely bad for digestion; Its impact depends on the quantity and sensitivity of each person. While it can help regulate intestinal transit and stimulate beneficial bacteria in the intestine, it also has effects that can be uncomfortable or problematic in people with specific digestive problems. In general, the key is to consume it in moderation and make adjustments based on symptoms and medical recommendations.
Thus, coffee, one of the most loved and consumed drinks in the world, is not only a daily pleasure, but also represents a challenge and an opportunity to take care of our digestive health.