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Is chocolate really good for you?

To eat chocolate without feeling guilty, prefer dark. Because the nutritional value of eating chocolate lies in its cocoa bean concentration, which has multiple health benefits. Dark chocolate contains at least 43% of dry cocoa components, i.e. dehydrated and dried bean. Milk chocolate only contains 25% maximum and white chocolate 0% (it is only composed of cocoa butter, milk, sugar, even flavorings). That’s good, according to the Directorate General for Competition, Consumption and the Repression of Fraud (DGCCRF), the French prefer dark chocolate, which represents 30% of consumption among adults. A peculiarity compared to the rest of Europe, which eats only 5%.

Antioxidant power. The cocoa contained in dark chocolate provides polyphenols, in particular flavonoids. They have a powerful antioxidant effect which limits inflammation, cell aging and protects the liver. “They are attributed to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases: heart attacks, hypertension …”, explains Faïza Bossy, general practitioner and nutritionist in Paris. The antioxidant power of cocoa, which is said to be two to five times greater than tea, is reinforced by the presence of trace elements (magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium) and vitamins C and E. “These elements consolidate immunity against viruses and bacteria. Some will have a positive effect on the constitution of the skin, nails and hair. Magnesium calms cramps, ”recalls the nutritionist. With a downside for patients prone to kidney stones, who should avoid chocolate, because of its calcium oxalate content.

Good for the head … with some exceptions. Theobromine, close to caffeine, has a psychostimulant effect, but milder and longer term than its cousin. “This molecule stimulates the circuit of dopamine and endorphins, which have a positive effect on mood and reduce stress,” she adds. “Take chocolate so that the most evil companies appear good to you”, already wrote in the time of Louis XIV Madame de Sévigné in a letter to her daughter. Polyphenols are also said to have a beneficial effect on memory and concentration. And, our second brain, the digestive system, appreciates the fiber intake of cocoa. However, the same theobromine has the disadvantage of dilating blood vessels, which can increase headaches in migraine sufferers. To be avoided in case of headache, therefore. Moreover, theobromine, it has been said, is of the same family as caffeine. Like her, this molecule is not known to improve sleep. The nutritionist generally warns that fatty and sweet products are not recommended at the end of the day, so as not to disturb falling asleep.

VIDEO. Dark or milk chocolate: which is better for your health?

Not addicting. Contrary to some rumors, chocolate is not addictive, because there is no phenomenon of dependence and habituation like in a drug. “We are talking more about an emotional cycle, a shift from a positive emotion to the product. When there is a lack of chocolate, there are no signs of lack that are expressed physically, such as tremors, ”explains the nutritionist.

Don’t overdo it. These good points should not make us forget that chocolate, even dark, has flaws. “It’s a product with fatty and sweet components. If we swallow it in large quantities, it can promote weight gain and therefore cardiovascular problems, ”warns Faïza Bossy. High doses of sugar and fat can also have harmful effects on memory, concentration and liver function. “You have to find the right balance,” summarizes the nutritionist. By eating the recommended amount of dark chocolate (two squares of 10 g per day maximum), you will absorb some of the strengths of cocoa and you will preserve your figure. Conversely, if you eat 100 g of it at once, or about 600 roundels calories, you will not benefit more from the benefits of cocoa, you risk on the contrary endangering your health.

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Watch out for sugar. The nutritionist advises to consume a good quality dark chocolate, containing at least 70% cocoa. “Extra-black, that doesn’t mean anything. You have to read the labels in the supermarket, chewable chocolate, but also milk drinks or chocolate powder for breakfast. If sugar is the first component that appears in the list, it means that it is the most present, so it is not a good quality product, ”she explains. An important precision, because the large distribution, according to the DGCCRF, concentrates 80% of the purchases of the chocolate market in France.

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