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Is back! The strong Czech rebounded from the bottom to the bronze medal. It’s a win for me, he says

The impressive journey of Czech Jiří Tkadlčík was interrupted for almost a year by serious health problems related to a herniated disc. The worst scenarios ran through his head, his darkest thoughts also moved towards the end of his career. However, Tkadlčík recovered from the ground up, after painful months he finally performed again in the Arnold Classic Europe strongman competition, which this time took place in Seville, Spain.

Although Tkadlčík didn’t have big ambitions before the tournament itself, he was still happy with the bronze medal. For some it’s just a bronze, but for me it was a victory. I think that after the ups and downs that I experienced with the plate, I could not have imagined it even six months ago “, is the joy of the thirty-three year old strong man, who thus completed the medal table of the Arnold Classic European Competition.

It was your first big competition after your injury, how difficult and painful was it for you in Spain?

It wasn’t painful at all, which is great. I’m very happy with that, I didn’t feel my back at all and I could definitely feel it. But it was very demanding, because it was a category up to 110 kg, which is very unusual. We are up to 105 kg and this year after the injury I am lighter, so I would like it to go up to 105 kg. I had a weight disadvantage, I was 5 kg short. On the other hand, it also had a positive side, you didn’t have to download as much. Otherwise it was really great and I have to say it was completely painless.

You said you want to enjoy it all now. Did you enjoy your stay in Spain?

I had a lot of fun, the race was perfect. I was in the lead after three events, dropped to second after four and ended up in third place. But he was very balanced, at least five or six fighters could win. It was won by the Ukrainian Gerasymov, who is older, but I watched it as a kid and said it would be great to race it someday. So far I have managed to beat him once and have lost to him once.

Fort Jiří Tkadlčík is back! Due to an injury, the end of his career was threatened, he did not compete for almost a year.video: Sport.cz

What was the greatest experience, the performance you were most proud of in Seville?

The experience itself was a whole competition, it was very smooth which was great. The performance I am most proud of was a 5x bandless loglift with more or less pure pressure. It is very good, I appreciate it. Then I was able to spin the 380kg tire 6 times in less than 30 seconds, which I think is also a demonstration of good dynamics. It was a lot of fun with that tire, because I liked it so much that I had to do six laps, the judge whistled and I was so excited I wanted to do a seventh.

You have already won the Arnold Classic in the past, does bronze mean a victory for you under the circumstances?

For some it is only bronze, third place, but for me it was a victory. I think that after the vicissitudes I went through with the record, even six months ago I still wouldn’t have imagined it. Four years ago, when I entered the competition, I thought it would be great if I went to compete and ended up fighting for the top positions. This is a win for me.

Jiří Tkadlčík performances at Arnold Classic Europe 2022
One-arm throw – 90 kg, 3 repetitions (time: one minute)
Rubber flip – 360 kg, 6 reps (time: 30.38 seconds)
Farmer’s walk – 130kg, 40 meters (time: 37.12s)
Log-lift – 130 kg, 5 repetitions (time: one minute)
Carrying a yoke (Super Yoke) – 360 kg, for 20 meters

So how many competitors were there in your category?

I suspect fourteen or fifteen competitors were entered, but in the end twelve are finished. There were Ukrainians, Lithuanians and of course two Czechs. Here I would like to mention that Tomáš Osička competed before me in the category up to 95 kg and managed to win. He is the third Czech to win at the Arnold Classic. Even though he was in a different category than mine, it’s still amazing.

Did these races confirm that Jiří Tkadlčík is back stronger and stronger?

They confirmed. Jiří Tkadlčík is certainly smarter, he’s not foolish, he knows how to run with his head, quite tactically. He has always been my strong point, but now I’ve started building on it even more. He acts when necessary and does not expose himself to unnecessary dangers. There is no longer that wild drive that I had when I was young, but that sometimes took me away. That was a professor’s race. But Jirka Tkadlčík is definitely back, stronger and stronger.

What are the other plans for the next period?

Now I will rest and on September 24th I have another race in Litovla that we are organizing. It will be an international World Cup in which I would also like to compete. Until then I will rest, do a lighter workout and see you on Saturday in Litovla.

Will the November toilet be the highlight of autumn for you?

I would love to race there, but the journey is very demanding from a financial point of view, it will depend a lot on the sponsors. But it has always been done somehow. The taste would be there, there is also a bit of strength, now we just have to put it together in terms of sponsorship. When I leave, and I do, it will be great.

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